Transgender & Gender Nonconforming Support

The Center offers a healthy environment for transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) community members, as well as their partners and families, to connect with others going through similar experiences. Starting with The Center’s Gender Identity Project, created in 1989, our services have evolved over time to include a range of transgender-driven support, advocacy, education, and economic stability initiatives.

We're here to help

Programming for the TGNC communities at The Center also provides an opportunity for members to interact with other trans-identified and allied service providers. We have counseling, resources for skills-building and career development, and a supportive environment.

Counseling and Support

In addition to short-term individual counseling and referral services, The Center hosts a range of support groups for our transgender and gender nonconforming communities. From groups that discuss gender identity and expression, to emotional challenges, to support in Spanish for the TransLatina community and the family and friends of someone who is transgender, The Center has a group for you.

TGNC Career Support

Despite legal protections in New York State, the effects of discrimination continue to place trans and gender nonconforming communities at extremely high rates of poverty, unemployment, underemployment, and homelessness. The Center provides services to directly combat this inequality, including individual career coaching support, case management, events focused on career exploration, legal workshops, and networking opportunities.

Transgender Day of Visibility Feature Blair Krieger

Blair Krieger on Her First Transgender Day of Visibility in NYC

It’s crucial that we uplift the stories and experiences of our community members under attack. Today we are proud to share the story of Blair, a Center staff member and transgender woman whose journey embodies the courage and joy of living authentically.

Transgender Basics: a Video

This 20-minute educational film reviews the concepts of gender and what gender means to transgender people. Two Center staff members discuss concepts of gender—sex, identity and gender roles—and members of our transgender community share their personal experiences of being trans and genderqueer.

The Gender Identity Project is a program at the The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center in New York City.

Excerpt from "Transgender Basics"

It was the constant fight of my saying 'there is nothing wrong with being this kind of girl,' as opposed to, 'well, I'm not a girl.'
Nico Beretta

Participant in the "Transgender Basics" video

Defining Transgender

Transgender is an adjective and should never be used as a noun.

Transgender may be used to describe someone who was assigned female or male at birth, but later realizes that label doesn’t accurately reflect who they feel they are inside.

This person may now live life as a man or woman, or may feel that their gender identity can’t be truly summed up by either of the two options we’re usually given (male or female). They might feel like they’re in between those two options; both male and female; or outside the two-gender system entirely—neither male nor female.

This applies to those who feel they don’t fit within society’s standards of how women and men are supposed to look and act (gender nonconforming).

Transgender is a relatively new word, but it’s not a new concept. Gender nonconforming people have existed in many time periods and cultures.

A transgender identity is not dependent upon medical procedures.

Some transgender people have surgeries, or take hormones, to bring their body into alignment with their gender identity. But, many do not and that doesn’t mean they’re not transgender.

You might think someone is transgender, but this is a personal identity that some people claim and others do not.

Wait to see how someone self-identifies (or ask, respectfully) before assuming.

Transgender Resources

If you have questions about gender identity or you are looking for information about transgender health and legal resources, The Center is here to help. From self-identified, trans-friendly therapists and healthcare providers to legal services and transitional housing, The Center has the resources you need.