Health & wellness programs
Including HIV testing and counseling, mental health services, and support groups for LGBTQ+ youth and adults
The Center is a monument of pride and strength for New York’s LGBTQ+ community. But we can't do it alone. Your support is crucial to ensuring the health, safety, and rights of LGBTQ+ New Yorkers and their families.
By donating today, you'll help us continue our vital work and make a real difference in the lives of so many!
Our EIN is: 13-3217805. Thank you.
Your donation will help ensure that The Center can continue to provide these crucial services and fight for justice on behalf of LGBTQ+ people in New York.
Health & wellness programs
Including HIV testing and counseling, mental health services, and support groups for LGBTQ+ youth and adults
Youth programming
Including internships, substance use treatment, and coming out support
Community organizing & advocacy
Including lobbying for pro-LGBTQ+ policies, and fighting against anti-LGBTQ+ legislation
Cultural & community programs
Including play readings, concerts, film festivals, and family play dates
You can give directly to The Center from a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), in just 3 clicks with the button below. Through hundreds of DAF providers (including Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, and more), you have the power to immediately support our life-affirming programs and services for all LGBTQ+ New Yorkers today!
If you want to give to The Center via a stock donation, please call your broker with the information listed here, and they will process the transfer.
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
DTC Participant Number – 0902
Credit Account Number – P72500
FFC Account Number – E01135004
FFC Account of – Lesbian & Gay Community Services Center Inc.
Federal Tax ID Number – 13-3217805
Support The Center by making a gift in tribute. Your donations made in honor of someone in your life, or in memory of a loved one, ensure we are here for the thousands of community members who rely on us today and for many years to come.
Give Today