Center Youth: Young People’s Group

Young People's Group meets every Wednesday from 4-5:30 pm EST. A welcoming space for folx across all identities, with discussions tackling aspects of intersectional queer identities, body-image, pop-culture, media, literature […]

Center Youth: So, Basically

So, Basically meets every Wednesday from 5:30-7pm EST. Need help with adulting but don't know where to start? So, Basically is meant to provide youth with a foundation in skills […]

Queer ACA Wednesdays

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a 12-step program for people who grew up in alcoholic or other dysfunctional homes. This group is a welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ adult children […]

SCA Beginners Wednesday Meeting

SCA Beginners Wednesday Meeting meets on Wednesday every week from 6:30-7:30pm. Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCANY) is a 12-Step Recovery program for sexual compulsion, sex addiction, pornography addiction, and romantic obsession. […]

Al-Anon: Literature Study

Al-Anon: Literature Study meets on Wednesday, every week from 6:30-7:45pm.

CLA Decluttering Group

CLA Decluttering Group meets on Wednesday every week from 7-8:30pm.

Imperial Court of New York

The Imperial Court is a social, not-for-profit fundraising organization which raises funds for LQBTQIA+ social service and health support organizations. We produce events throughout the year. Our members enjoy the “game” of court and royalty while raising much needed social awareness and money for deserving LGBTQIA+ charities in the tri-state area. In addition to our […]

The Pinko Commie Dyke Reads…With Friends (in person & live-streaming)

Julie R. Enszer reads from her new, fully illustrated poetry collection, The Pinko Commie Dyke: Poems From a Leftist Lesbian Cabal, joined by poet Irena Klepfisz and multihyphenate writer Donna Minkowitz (journalist, essayist, memoirist, and soon-to-be […]