of LGBTQ+ youth used alcohol in the last year
Substance use among LGBTQ+ youth contributes to various overall health and wellness issues experienced by those youth.
The Youth Program is for ages 13-25, accepts all insurances, will not turn away anyone for lack of funds, and is harm reduction based.56%
of LGBTQ+ youth used alcohol in the last year
of LGBTQ+ youth using alcohol were under the age of 21
~3x higher odds
of prescription drug misuse for LGBTQ+ youth 13-18 attempting suicide
The Center's outpatient substance use treatment program is the only New York State licensed outpatient program specifically designed for the LGBTQ+ community, and our providers are among the best at bringing LGBTQ+ youth ages 13-25 to and through the program. That means you’re sure to receive affirming care from knowledgeable and competent professionals.