Your Legacy.
Your Center.

We are humbled and grateful to you for considering including The Center as a beneficiary in your will or estate plan. This forward-thinking generosity ensures that New York will have a thriving and supported place for the LGBTQ+ community for generations.

Estate Planning

As you create your estate plan, consider your legacy and what the future may bring. Think about the people and causes you hold dear and want to protect. To include The Center in your will or living trust, we suggest the language provided here.

Legal Name: Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc
Address: 208 W 13 Street, New York, NY 10011
Federal Tax ID: 13-3217805

I give to The LGBT Community Center (“Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc”), a not-for-profit corporation incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia and having as its principal address 208 West 13th Street, New York, NY 10011, federal tax ID # 13-3217805, [the sum of $______ or _____% of my estate or residuary estate] to be used for its general purposes.

older white man dressed in a tunic wearing a black hat and standing in front of a geometric wall

Create Your Will for Free

Often, creating a will can be expensive and time-consuming. To solve this problem, The Center is pleased to partner with Giving Docs, where you can easily create your estate planning documents in just a few minutes, absolutely free!

Many thoughtful supporters like you have decided to use Giving Docs to leave a planned gift to The Center. Please know that donating is voluntary, and we hope you take advantage of your free access to create your estate plan regardless of your donation decision. A donation is not required to use Giving Docs.

two white men smiling at you. one is sitting on the couch wearing a blue shirt, the over is behind the couch with his hands on the other man's shoulders. He's wearing a striped shirt and glasses. Both have short beards and are bald

Proud Legacy Society Members

When we sat down to write our will, we picked worthy organizations whose goals and aims aligned with our values. The Center was an obvious choice for us, because it embraced us and brought us together so many years ago, and because of the work it continues to do every day. It’s important to maintain The Center as a space for people to congregate, to come out, to build a chosen family—and somewhere you can always rely on!”
Kevin and Chuck, Legacy Donors to The Center

As a thank you for your generosity

The Center will welcome you into the Powsner Cooperberg Legacy Society (PCLS). Named for two of The Center’s beloved past presidents who died of AIDS, Steven Powsner and Irving Cooperberg, PCLS members ensure that future generations of LGBTQ+ people can continue to rely on The Center. We celebrate our PCLS members year-round by offering exclusive invitations to briefings and special events, plus recognition in our Annual Report and on signage in The Center’s lobby (if desired).

Tell us about your Legacy Gift

Whether you’ve included us in your legacy plans previously or are designating us for the first time, we’d love to hear about it. After naming The Center as a beneficiary, please let us know by completing the Legacy Intention Form. If you create your estate documents using Giving Docs, you will be given the option to disclose your planned gift information to The Center.

Legacy Intention Form

Powsner Cooperberg Legacy Society FAQs

PCLS is The Center’s legacy society that recognizes donors who have provided for The Center in their will or other legacy plans. The program bears the names of two of The Center’s beloved past presidents who were lost to AIDS, Steven Powsner and Irving Cooperberg. Both leaders were dedicated to the long-term success of The Center and ensuring that generations of LGBTQ+ community members could continue finding support at The Center. PCLS members continue this legacy of generosity and compassion.

Support from PCLS members enables The Center to respond to new challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community. It also provides The Center access to temporary funding in the event of an emergency affecting operations and serves as a source of income for the expansion of Center programming.

Resources left to The Center are placed in our Strategic Reserve Fund intended to preserve The Center as the heart and home of NYC’s diverse LGBTQ+ communities. The fund can only be accessed upon vote of the Board of Directors, ensuring your investment is stewarded with the utmost care.

It’s easy! Just inform us that you included The Center in your estate plans, whether as a beneficiary of your will or trust agreement, IRA, 401(k) retirement plan, insurance policy, annuity contract, or transfer on death (TOD) bank account, or through a gift of real estate, among other options.

With your generous inclusion of The Center within your legacy planning, you may elect to receive special acknowledgment on PCLS-dedicated signage in The Center’s lobby that welcomes over 6,000 weekly visitors; acknowledgment within The Center’s annual report; an invitation to our Annual Donor Briefing commemorating your generosity; complimentary tickets to Garden Party, our annual Pride celebration; and access to additional special events throughout the year.

Still Have Questions?

If you have further questions—or would like to discuss other options, such as leaving a gift in your IRA or retirement account, life insurance, or donor-advised fund—please email us.

PCLS Members

The Center gratefully acknowledges our PCLS members whose inclusion of The Center in their estate plans ensures The Center’s long-term future. (list updated as of March 2025)

Anthony Abramovic
David I. Abramson
Patrick R. Adent
Matthew Ailey and Greg Zaffiro
Catherine A. Ainora and Caron T. Todd
Michael P. Albo
Teddy Alcarez and Frank Quinn
Meredith S. Altman and Emily J. Rosenthal
Bruce Anderson
Steve Ashkinazy and Michael Gomillion
Ward Auerbach and Andy Baker
Andrew D. Austin and Michael R. Sonberg
Alton Bader and Michael L. Goldstein
Mark Baldino
Alexis J. Barbieri
Danielle L. Baron
Lawrence H. Bartelsen and William J. Hevert
Douglas L. Bell
Robert Berlan and Naveen Thacker
Stephanie K. Blackwood
Eric Blomquist and Peter Webb
Phyllis Bloom and Jackie Haught
Luis Felipe Guzman Botero
Britney Bowman
Norman I. Brock
David M. Brown, in memory of Thomas W. Ruggiero
Barbara Buloff and Bonnie Kobak
Stefano Buonocore-Knothe
Charles Burkhalter and Arne Svenson
Richard D. Burns and Robert D. Berg
Amanda Bruton and Kristen Ruff
Julie M. Byrnes
Scott M. Campbell
Scott H. Caplan
Donald A. Caruso and Robert C. Ernes
Katherine M. Cashion
Jacob W. Child
Rosa Chisholm
Jacy and Nikki Chotas
Edward Cohen and Henry Taplitz
John D. Colla-Negri
Christopher J. Collins
Renée Colombo
Michael A. Comstock
Daniel I. Cotlowitz
Donald L. Currie
Mark Davies
Robert N. DeBenedictis
George Dell
Stephen DeRubba
Paula DiDonato and Judy Teeven
Bobby Diep
Christina Diggs and Chelsea Crisafulli
Mitchell Draizin and Philippe Brugère-Trélat
E. Allan Eggleston and Roger M. Ross
Keith Endersen and Pedro Usuriaga
Jack Esterson and Hon. Richard J. Montelione
Charles Eubanks
Lauree Feldman and The Estate of Sarah L. Holland
Nick Feliciano
George F. Fencl
Michael Forester and John Mathena
Richard Friedman
Joseph Garamella and Kevin Longobardi
Raymond L. Gast and Luis E. Paz
Dino Georgiou
Mark A. Gilbert
Ken Glass
Gerald M. Goldhaber
Naomi E. Goodhart
Linda Gottlieb
Beatrice Greenstein
Robert A. Grossman
Paul Gruber and Keith C. Champagne
Stephen S. Gurian
Ruth M. Gursky
Julie M. Hair
Donald S. Harley
Julie Harris and Shari Feder
Jennifer Hatch and Susanne Smith
Philip Hauser and John Perez
Karen L. Heau and Karen R. Wellington
Ronald E. Hellman and Stephen B. Roberts
Ivan G. Hernandez and Douglas S. Bray
Anthony R. Hernandez
Catherine Herrera, in memory of Anna Gorga Soderini
William J. Hibsher and Richard J. Orient
Allen Hill
Derek Hodel
Edward J. Holterhoff
Jerry J. Homan
Joy H. Houston
Olu M. Howard
Thomas Hughes
Charles M. Hurr
Keith S. Icove and Hsiang F. Hsu
Daniel J. Jacobson
Viv R. Jefferson
Danielle L. Jenkins
Kristen M. Johnson and Martha Klein
Marcy L. Kahn and Diane M. Churchill
Dr. William R. Kapfer and Eric S. Baker
Howard Kaplowitz and Robert Gaudreau

Judith M. Kasen-Windsor
Jonathan N. Katz
Timothy Kelley
Mark Kirby and Allan Sapolnick
Sydny J. Kirshnit, in memory of Robert W. Lauch
Steven Klapisch and Asim Butt
Harold Kooden and John Hunter
Marilyn Lamkay and Judith Fliegenspan
Eileen M. Lancella
William P. LaPiana and Sebastian Gluck
Jeffrey Lawrence
S. David Laveton
Josh and Austin Rader Lee
Jeffrey Leeds and Piotr Kajstura
Edmund A. LeFevre and Keith L. Wiggs
Ronald Liburdi, in memory of Harry Wells
Dimas H. Lizardo
Eugene Lovendusky and Jason Huber
Gary A. Maffei and Charlie Maffei
Russell M. Maitland
Michael Maloof
Thomas and Sharon Maloof
John R. Malkemes
Joseph Manghise
Lyssett Martinez
Joanna McClintick
Mark R. McMahon
Payton Meyer
Gary Miller & Daniel Starr
Marilyn Mishaan
Louis Monetti
Virginia A. Moraweck
Bruce Morrow
John J. Mulkern and Seung Ho Lee
Scott Newman and Ron D’Angelo
David Nimmons
Jim O’Sullivan and Krisczar Bungay
Allen Payne and Jeff Gross
Kenneth A. Picini
Glenn Plaskin
Arthur R. Pinto and Stephen J. Bohlen
William B. Ponsot
Alan N. Pressman
John Prisco
Joe M. Pumphrey and Carl R. Whitley
Robert Pusilo and Paul R. Lemma
William Raff
David E. Ratcliffe
Shane Regier
Charles Renfro and Daniel Gortler
Richard W. Rhodes
Hon. Rosalyn Richter, in memory of Janet Weinberg
William Riegel
Louis Rittmaster
Martin Rogers
Jack Rojas
David P. Rothenberg
Joel Rubin and Mark Barron
Jerry Rumain and Nick Russo
Carla Sadoff
Aimee E. Saginaw
Dorothy Sander and Lorraine Powers
Prospero Sanidad
Ed Scall, in memory of Stuart Reiss
Larry Schafer
Jon Scher and Joaquin Matias
Jack A. Schlegel
Robert Seidel and Lance Tukell
Marilyn Shanahan
Jeffrey Sharlach
Jayne B. Sherman and Deby Zum
Robert D. Sholiton
Johann Shudlick
Lisa L. Simon
Rick Simone and Ralph Annibale, Jr.
Norbert Sinski and Sterling McLaughlin
Judith Slomack
Richard J. Slote
Winthrop Smith
Jean Stabinsky
Barbara Starrett and JoAnn Ellison
Sarah Corinne Stephenson
Kevin Sterns and Charles Skowron
Alfred Szymanski
Angela Talocci
Bruce Temkin
Christopher Townsend-Wolfe
Raymond Townsend and Richard Kaye
Rahul Tripathi
Judith E. Turkel and Jennifer L. Costley
Jack Tyler and Michael Kuric
John A. Underwood
Thomas Verley
Reneysh Vittal
Pieter van Vliet and Francisco Alberto Zapata
Richard Wagman
Richard Wandel
Joel Weinberg and Adam Kent
Jerry Wentland and Jean Paul Michaud
Anthony P. Wilson, Jr. and Richard R. McFeaters
Brian T. Wich
Richard Winger
Michael C. Wolf
Evan Yan, in memory of Andrés Felipe Bernal Oviedo
Casimir J. Yanish and Barry Spaulding
Anonymous (38)

The information on our website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor.