
1. American Historical Association—Commitee on Lesbian and Gay History [1982–1996]

2. Bee Bookshop

3. Bibliog—African American [1995]

4. [Comtroller’s Guide] [1989]

5. Prinz Eisenherz Bibliog 97 [1997]

6. Elysian

7. Feminist Theory Collective [1979]

8. Freedman, Estelle [1977–1978]

9. Garde-Drucker Bibliog

10. Garland [1977–1991]

11. Gay and Lesbian Historians

12. Gay Presses of NY [1971–1997]

13. Gross, Larry [1980]

14. Hogan, David [1980]

15. Horner, Tom


16. Institute for Sx Research ISR- Biblios

17. Kinsey et al [1948 — ?]

18. Law—Encyclopedias, Indexes [1929–1969]

19. Librarians for Social Change [1975]

20. Miller, A [1978]

21. Nestle, Joan [1981]

22. Play index [1961–1967]

23. Poole’s Index [1963]

24. Reader’s Guide [1919–1980]

25. Reich, Wilhelm

26. Resources for Feminist Research [1983]

27. Rowbotham, Sheila—Bibliography [1972–1973]

28. Ryan, Mary P.—Bibliographies [1976–1978]

29. Saskatoon Public Library

30. Schwarz, Judith—Bibliography of Lesbian Lit [1976]

31. [Second Life Books]

32. Sense and Sensibility Collective “Women and Lit” [1973]

33. Sharma, V.D. and Rudi, W.C.—Waterloo Biblio [1970]

34. Sheehy—Guide to Reference Books [1976]

35. Society of Lesbian / Gay Anthro [1992–1995]


36. Synergy—Biblio

37. Tangent—Biblio [1965]

38. Tarnowsky—Biblio

39. Task Force on Gay Lib Bibliography [1972–1976]

40. Rosa Winkel Verlag

41. Welter [1964]

42. Winslow [1976]
