Healing is a joyful act.

In our fast-paced, often stressful world, it can be easy to forget that healing is the cornerstone of a vibrant and fulfilling life. When we make healing and joy a priority, we open ourselves up to a life filled with more love, laughter, and connection.

We welcome you to delve into the deeper aspects of healing, and discover how we can transform our experiences of pain and trauma into catalysts for growth.

Three people sitting around a table talking and laughing.

So, what does healing look like?

Healing looks different for everyone – and it looks different day-by-day. Research indicates that all of the following can have a positive effect on our mental health:

Being part of communities that nourish us
Taking some “do nothing” time
Communing with nature
Enjoying the arts

But where to start? The Center has events, activities, and groups galore, so that this winter everyone—no matter where they are in their journey— can heal, feel, thrive, and come alive:

Center the Culture, take in the magic, and do your holiday shopping at The Center’s Black Holiday Market on 12/9. This one-of-a-kind experience celebrates the vibrant spirit of Black LGBTQ+ small business owners and lets you dive into a world of exquisite crafts, delectable treats, and a community spirit that celebrates diversity with every purchase.

Make “do-nothing” part of your self-care. Research has shown that putting aside our to-do lists and taking some time for something “unproductive” can lower blood pressure, spark creativity, and lower our stress levels. So whether you want to build Legos, play Wordle, or daydream, schedule some time for true rest and recreation this month.

Bask in holiday cheer and safe spaces at our Winter Magic Market for youth on 12/19. LGBTQ+ youth, ages 13-22, are invited to enjoy some tasty treats, create community, and browse through free items like pre-loved clothing, shoes, hats, scarves, bags, and more.

And, of course, support groups and counseling are available at The Center – because healing doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Community and support are key parts of our joy journey.

Find people who share YOUR joy at The Center! Whether you want to join a choir, practice runway, attend a TransMasc show and tell, or stop by our agenda-free Thursday Kick Back group, our calendar is filled with opportunities for you to make healing and joy a priority this month. 

At The Center, we celebrate the beauty, strength, and need for rest that live within us and our communities. We strive to always be a safe space of refuge from an unjust world. Anyone can join The Center for any number of events where we’ll approach our exploration of healing with a sprinkle of tinsel, celebrating those joyful moments–big and small–that make a meaningful, connected life.

But we’d love to hear from you – what does healing look like to you? Are there services we can provide to help you on that journey? Share your story on our recent Instagram post about Healing & Joy.