Pride Toastmasters

We are the only LGBT Toastmasters club on the East Coast. Learn new skills to enhance self-confidence and personal growth in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Membership is $120 for six months. Free to attend as a guest up to three times. For additional information please reach out via email or DM on Instagram @pridetoastmasters

Pride Toastmasters

We are the only LGBT Toastmasters club on the East Coast. Learn new skills to enhance self-confidence and personal growth in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Membership is $120 for six months. Free to attend as a guest up to three times. For additional information please reach out via email or DM on Instagram @pridetoastmasters


SOBER TALK meets on Thursday every week from 6:30-7:30pm. Sober Talk is a solution focused meeting created to have an open space to talk about our other parallel addictions that resurface when trying to control Crystal Meth (alcohol, sex, compulsive shopping, social media, overeating, etc.). Weekly speakers and popcorn format. For more information go to 

CMA en Español

CMA en Español meets on Thursday every week from 6:45-7:45pm.

Recovery Dharma

Recovery Dharma meets on Thursday every week from 7-8:15pm.

Revisioning Democracy Podcast Episode 6 (in person and live-streaming)

On Episode 6 of Revisioning Democracy, we’ll examine the Lessons of Florida and community intersectional strategies that LGBTQIA+ groups and activists used there to successfully fight back against the Ron DeSantis anti-gay and anti-diversity attacks – after the initial shock of the state “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Join special guest Nadine Smith, Executive Director of Equality Florida, and a dynamic activist […]

AA Thursday Westwingers

Westwingers is an AA group that meets on Thursday every week from 7:15-8:15pm.


G.O.D (Gift of Desperation) Group of NA

G.O.D (Gift of Desperation) Group of NA meets every Thursday from 8-9pm EST. This is a space for Agnostics, Atheists, and Free-Thinkers. For more information, you may contact (0 is a zero, not letter O).