CMA Outside the Lines
CMA Outside the Lines meets on Sunday every week from 12:30-1:30pm.
CMA Outside the Lines meets on Sunday every week from 12:30-1:30pm.
An intake is required to attend this group. For information on how to complete an Intake with The Center, please call the main desk at 212-620-7310. Recovery Peer Support Meeting meets every Sunday from 1-2pm EST. This event is In-Person. A meeting that our recovery peer (Jacob Hardt) will have to support our clients in […]
The Bureau of General Services—Queer Division is an independent, all-volunteer queer cultural center, bookstore, and event space in room 210 of The Center. We are open Wednesday through Sunday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Meditation in Practice (Narcotics Anonymous Meeting) meets on Sunday every week from 1:15-2:15pm.
NA Serenity on Sunday meets on Sunday every week from 2:15-3:15pm.
Salsa Dance Classes for Queer folx and Allies by Queer folx and Allies every Sunday Afternoon (NY Style On2)2:30pm - Beginners Class.4:00pm - Advanced Beginners Class.If you have any questions, please message us on Instagram: PrideSalsa
Queering Palestinian Literature with Raji Bathish (in person & live-streaming) author and cinema critic Raji Bathish comes to the Bureau to read from his genre-hopping texts that combine fiction, poetry and other forms, followed by a discussion with his translator Suneela Mubayi and Rutgers literature professor Ben Koerber in a far-ranging dialogue that will touch on language, translation, gender and sexuality, […]
Complete Recovery Alanon Step Study meets on Sunday every week from 5:30-6:30pm.
SCA Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol meets on Sunday every week from 5:45-6:45pm.
Artists in Recovery (AA) meets on Sunday every week from 6-7pm.
AA Sunday at Six meets on Sunday every week from 6-7pm. We are an open meeting of AA and we read and discuss a chapter of the big book every week.
The Common Journey Group of Drug Addicts Anonymous meets on Sundays every week from 6-7pm. Drug Addicts Anonymous (DAA) is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to try to solve their common problem and help others to recover from drug addiction by using the Twelve Steps as […]