AA Learned and Humbled

AA Learned and Humbled meets on Friday every week from 7-8:15pm. Learned and Humbled is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.). A.A. is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other in order that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from […]

Left Turns In Brown Study: A Performative Conversation (in person only)

In celebration of Sandra Ruiz’s new book Left Turns In Brown Study, we will be joined by an illustrious panel featuring a menagerie of individuals who have appeared in Ruiz’s academic and creative orbit over the past two decades. The conversation will be moderated by downtown diva Dusty Childers. Sandra will also perform selections from the book.Featuring contributions […]

T.R.A.N.S. Group of AA

T.R.A.N.S. Group of AA meets on Friday every week from 7:30-8:30pm. Transgender/GNC Recovering Alcoholics Navigating Sobriety (T.R.A.N.S.) is a closed AA meeting for those who are agender, genderqueer, intersex, nonbinary, gender questioning, transsexual, transgender, two spirit, or any other identity that falls under the TGNC 'umbrella.' We have literature and chips to celebrate sobriety milestones.

Marijuana Anonymous

MA Fearless Fridays meets every Friday from 7:30-8:30pm. Marijuana Anonymous 12 step meeting with rotating format, focused on literature, writing, mediation, and queer inclusive topics.

CMA New Tooles

Weekly on Fridays from 8-9pm. CMA meeting which encourages the discussion of all mind-altering substances, including Crystal Meth. Everyone who has the desire to stop using mind-altering substances is welcome at this meeting.

The LGBT+ Male Figurative Drawing Group

The LGBT+ Male Figurative Drawing Group meets on Saturday every week from 10:30am-1:30pm. The LGBTQ+ Male Figurative Drawing Group is a collection of artists of all skill levels and backgrounds that gather every Saturday, from 10:30am-1:30pm, to draw the male form. We are no longer doing tickets through Eventbrite. Seats will be provided for $20 […]

lesbian book club

We’ll be reading fiction and non-fiction — classic, contemporary, revealing and visionary. As a group we will decide what to read each month, focusing on lesbian authors and/or related topics. Co-founded by lesbian book lovers Judi Komaki and Piper Olsen.For our December 14th meeting, we’ll read The Price of Salt/Carol by Patricia Highsmith (W.W. Norton & Company, 2024, paperback, […]

ACOA Struggle for Intimacy

ACOA Struggle for Intimacy meets on Saturday every week from 11am-12:30pm.

CMA Saturday Solutions

Saturday Solutions meets every Saturday from 11:15am-12:15pm EST. Saturday Solutions is a one hour long closed meeting CMA topics meeting. Participants choose a topic card from which to share on, or a subject of the participants choice. For more information, visit www.nycma.org.