Queer ACA Wednesdays

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a 12-step program for people who grew up in alcoholic or other dysfunctional homes. This group is a welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ adult children of alcoholics or dysfunctional families who are looking for healing and serenity.

SCA Beginners Wednesday Meeting

SCA Beginners Wednesday Meeting meets on Wednesday every week from 6:30-7:30pm. Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCANY) is a 12-Step Recovery program for sexual compulsion, sex addiction, pornography addiction, and romantic obsession. It is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others recover […]

LGBTQIA+ Immigrant Services Presentation

The Center will be hosting an informative presentation focused on the services available in NYC for LGBTQIA+ immigrants. The presentation will cover a range of essential areas to ensure safety, well-being, and successful integration. These services include Immigration Support, Legal Assistance, System Navigation, Referrals, Safety and Well-being, and Supportive Gender Care.Register for this event in […]

CLA Decluttering Group

CLA Decluttering Group meets on Wednesday every week from 7-8:30pm.