CMA New York #1 Beginners
CMA New York #1 Beginners meets on Tuesday every week from 6:30-8pm. NY #1 Beginners meeting is a 90 minute speaker meeting, for those looking to recover from crystal meth […]
CMA New York #1 Beginners meets on Tuesday every week from 6:30-8pm. NY #1 Beginners meeting is a 90 minute speaker meeting, for those looking to recover from crystal meth […]
Identity House Walk In Center meets on Tuesday every week from 6:30-8:30pm. Meet with two Identity House peer counselors trained to listen to your experience in order to help you […] December 3 class will be the third of four meetings.See registration details below.In 1973, Susan Sontag wrote in her diary: “In ‘life,’ I don’t want to be reduced to […]
CMA Long Term Sobriety meets on Tuesday every week from 6:45-7:45pm.
GMHC ANNEX II meets every Tuesday from 7-8:00pm. GMHC ANNEX II is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.). A.A. is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, […]
Debtors Anonymous-Newfound Hope Group meets on Tuesday every week from 7-8pm. Debtors Anonymous is fellowship of individuals recovering from the effects of compulsive debting.
The Depth and Weight Group Beginner’s Meeting of Heroin Anonymous meets Tuesday every week from 7-8:15pm. Heroin Anonymous (HA) is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and […]
Young People's Step AA meets on Tuesday every week from 7:15-8:15pm.
AA Tuesday Westwingers meets on Tuesday every week from 8-9pm.
Weekly one-hour Speaker / Discussion Narcotics Anonymous meeting. Includes reading from NA Literature “Spiritual Principle A Day.”
OA Big Book Meeting meets on Wednesday every week from 12:15-1:15pm. Whatever problem you may have with food, you are welcome at this mtg. This is a literature meeting focusing on the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. This is an open meeting; all are welcome.
The Bureau of General Services—Queer Division is an independent, all-volunteer queer cultural center, bookstore, and event space in room 210 of The Center. We are open Wednesday through Sunday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Weekday drop-in hours in the Center Youth computer lab. Check your email, Facebook, work on that job search or college application! For youth age 13-22. Intake is required for all Youth programs. Contact if you'd like to join!
Rainbow Room meets every Wednesday from 3-4pm EST in the Youth Group Room. NYC's chillest group room. Hang out with the Peer Coaches in our youth lounge... singing, drawing, playing games, over light conversation. For youth between ages 13-22. This group is open, but Intake is required for all Youth Programs. For more information please […]
Young Femmes meets every Wednesday from 4-5:30 pm EST. This is a shout out to all young women who want to talk about things like relationships, safer sex, coming out, body image, etc. with other women. For youth between ages 13-22. This group is open, but Intake is required for all Youth Programs. For more […]
So, Basically meets every Wednesday from 5:30-7pm EST. Need help with adulting but don't know where to start? So, Basically is meant to provide youth with a foundation in skills and understanding of financial literacy, cooking, home up-keeping projects, filing your taxes and countless other tools that are necessary to navigate society as fully functioning […]
Business Debtors Anonymous - BDA meets on Wednesday every week from 6-7:00pm EST.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a 12-step program for people who grew up in alcoholic or other dysfunctional homes. This group is a welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ adult children of alcoholics or dysfunctional families who are looking for healing and serenity.
SCA Beginners Wednesday Meeting meets on Wednesday every week from 6:30-7:30pm. Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCANY) is a 12-Step Recovery program for sexual compulsion, sex addiction, pornography addiction, and romantic obsession. It is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others recover […]
Al-Anon: Literature Study meets on Wednesday, every week from 6:30-7:45pm.
This interactive program is focused on spontaneous conversational, writing, reading, and listening activities. The program is designed to deliver ESL classes to the immigrant LGBTQIA+ communities and offer a space to learn English where community members can connect and be themselves.
CMA Solutions in Recovery meets on Wednesday every week from 6:45-7:45pm.
CLA Decluttering Group meets on Wednesday every week from 7-8:30pm.
This open discussion group is for LGBTQIA+ community members who are grieving, mourning, and navigating loss and life transitions. Members are welcome to speak about any stages of loss and transition they are experiencing in a supportive and non-judgmental environment while connecting with others, sharing memories and experiences, and discussing coping strategies.
The Imperial Court is a social, not-for-profit fundraising organization which raises funds for LQBTQIA+ social service and health support organizations. We produce events throughout the year. Our members enjoy the “game” of court and royalty while raising much needed social awareness and money for deserving LGBTQIA+ charities in the tri-state area. In addition to our […]
Come join The Publishing Triangle as we read, reminisce, and admire the wide-ranging work of legendary gay writer, critic, and artist, Gary Indiana.Featuring readings by Brian Alessandro, Christopher Bollen, Jason Napoli Brooks, Michael Bullock, Tobi Haslett, Sam McKinniss, Dale Peck, Nicole Rudick, and Christopher Stoddard. This event will take place in person at the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division, on the second floor (room […]
This support group is for trans and gender non-conforming Black, Indigenous, and People of Color allowing TGNC BIPOC community members to create a mutual support environment for explorations and engagement around identity, gender, race, and life experiences. To join, email!
"Miracle on 5th" Beginners Alanon Meeting meets on Thursday every week from 12:15 - 1:45pm. This event is a Hybrid meeting, that both meets in person and on Zoom (*This is something being worked out as we move back to being in person post COVID lockdown). Alanon is a 12-Step Recovery program for those with […]
The Bureau of General Services—Queer Division is an independent, all-volunteer queer cultural center, bookstore, and event space in room 210 of The Center. We are open Wednesday through Sunday from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Weekday drop-in hours in the Center Youth computer lab. Check your email, Facebook, work on that job search or college application! For youth age 13-22. Intake is required for all Youth programs. Contact if you'd like to join!
Discuss everything sex related, get accurate sexual health info and create safe sex kits to share in the community. For youth between ages 13-22. This group is open, but Intake is required for all Youth Programs. For more information please contact
The Clubhouse Music Group meets every Thursday from 4-5:30pm. Calling all musicians, singers, performers, music producers, spoken word poets and performance artists/creatives. Professional musicians from Road Recovery will work with participants to discover their talents and develop their skills while working towards a community performance. No prior musical experience needed. For youth ages 13-22. To […]
The goal of this group is to infuse a writing practice to explore recovery processes. Each participant will have 20 minutes to journal quietly as we collectively share space and listen to music followed by a group discussion. Journal prompts will aid discussion around healing, intimacy, relationships with others, and ourselves while in recovery.
Let's learn all about how the cisgender binary is a construct created and enforced by white patriarchy! Also? Let's talk about fabulous TGNC artists, authors, actors and musicians, do fabulous crafts and activities and host fabulous TGNC guest speakers. Finally, let's just talk about ourselves and how fabulous (or not) we're feeling that day. Inviting […]
Live and Let Live in Al-Anon meets on Thursday every week from 6-7pm.
Este grupo de discusión híbrido en Español está dirigido para todes las personas LGBTQ+ latinxs 18+ en el cual se podrá compartir diferentes puntos de vista sobre los diversos temas que se viven en nuestra comunidad. Para más información, envie un correo electrónico a o visite
We are the only LGBT Toastmasters club on the East Coast. Learn new skills to enhance self-confidence and personal growth in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Membership is $120 for six months. Free to attend as a guest up to three times. For additional information please reach out via email or DM on Instagram @pridetoastmasters
We are the only LGBT Toastmasters club on the East Coast. Learn new skills to enhance self-confidence and personal growth in a fun and supportive atmosphere. Membership is $120 for six months. Free to attend as a guest up to three times. For additional information please reach out via email or DM on Instagram @pridetoastmasters
SOBER TALK meets on Thursday every week from 6:30-7:30pm. Sober Talk is a solution focused meeting created to have an open space to talk about our other parallel addictions that resurface when trying to control Crystal Meth (alcohol, sex, compulsive shopping, social media, overeating, etc.). Weekly speakers and popcorn format. For more information go to
CMA en Español meets on Thursday every week from 6:45-7:45pm.
Recovery Dharma meets on Thursday every week from 7-8:15pm.
SMART Recovery meets on Thursday every week from 7-8:30pm.
Westwingers is an AA group that meets on Thursday every week from 7:15-8:15pm.
Harmonies meets Thursdays from 7:30-9 p.m. ET (Hybrid); meets in-person the first and third Thursday of every month. This support group allows community members who are seeking community and social support to openly discuss their experiences as trans, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and gender-expansive individuals. This social space provides an opportunity to share their ideas on […]
CMA Big Book Study Meeting meets on Thursday every week from 7:45-8:45pm.
G.O.D (Gift of Desperation) Group of NA meets every Thursday from 8-9pm EST. This is a space for Agnostics, Atheists, and Free-Thinkers. For more information, you may contact (0 is a zero, not letter O).