Center Youth: Open Lab
Weekday drop-in hours in the Center Youth computer lab. Check your email, Facebook, work on that job search or college application! For youth age 13-22. Intake is required for all […]
Weekday drop-in hours in the Center Youth computer lab. Check your email, Facebook, work on that job search or college application! For youth age 13-22. Intake is required for all […]
Young Masc meets every Wednesday from 3-4pm EST. This event is In-Person. If you’re a young man who wants to talk about coming out, relationships, safer sex and more with […]
A weekly queer film screening followed by discussion. Have suggestions for movies to watch? Let us know! For youth ages 13-22. Contact if you'd like to join!
Young Femmes meets every Wednesday from 4-5:30 pm EST. This event is In-Person. This is a shout out to all young women who want to talk about things like relationships, […]
So, Basically meets every Wednesday from 5:30-7pm EST. This event is In Person. Need help with adulting but don't know where to start? So, Basically is meant to provide youth […]
Business Debtors Anonymous - BDA meets on Wednesday every week from 6-7:00pm EST. This event is in-person.
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) is a 12-step program for people who grew up in alcoholic or other dysfunctional homes. This group is a welcoming space for LGBTQIA+ adult children […]
The Center will be hosting an informative presentation focused on how members can navigate resources offered at The Center and in the city related to HIV & Sexual Health Services. […]
SCA Beginners Wednesday Meeting meets on Wednesday every week from 6:30-7:30pm. This event is in-person. Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCANY) is a 12-Step Recovery program for sexual compulsion, sex addiction, pornography […]
Al-Anon: Literature Study meets on Wednesday, every week from 6:30-7:45pm. This event is In-Person.
This interactive program is focused on spontaneous conversational, writing, reading, and listening activities. The program is designed to deliver ESL classes to the immigrant LGBTQIA+ communities and offer a space […]
CMA Solutions in Recovery meets on Wednesday every week from 6:45-7:45pm. This event is in-person.
CLA Decluttering Group meets on Wednesday every week from 7-8:30pm. This event is in-person.
This open discussion group is for LGBTQIA+ community members who are grieving, mourning, and navigating loss and life transitions. Members are welcome to speak about any stages of loss and transition they are experiencing in a supportive and non-judgmental environment while connecting with others, sharing memories and experiences, and discussing coping strategies.
This discussion group is a space for community members self-identifying on the asexual and/or aromantic spectrum to come together to gain support from one another, and experience connection within the greater LGBTQIA+ community. This space seeks to raise awareness, reduce stigma, share experiences, form a sense of community, provide and receive peer support, and explore […]
The Imperial Court is a social, not-for-profit fundraising organization which raises funds for LQBTQIA+ social service and health support organizations. We produce events throughout the year. Our members enjoy the “game” of court and royalty while raising much needed social awareness and money for deserving LGBTQIA+ charities in the tri-state area. In addition to our […]
This support group is for trans and gender non-conforming Black, Indigenous, and People of Color allowing TGNC BIPOC community members to create a mutual support environment for explorations and engagement around identity, gender, race, and life experiences. To join, email!
Conscious Contact: An 11th Step Focused AA Meeting meets every Wednesday from 8-9:00pm EST. This event is In-Person. This meeting centers on the 11th Step in Alcoholics Anonymous.