
1. Briggs Ammendment, 1978
2. CLGR (Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights)
3. Gay Social and Cycle Clubs and Commercial “Deals” Directed at the Gay Market
4. GDL (Gay Defense League)
5. Gertrude Stein Democratic Club
6. Gay and Lesbian Independent Democrats
7. GGBC (Greater Gotham Business Council)
8. Ginny Apuzzo [State Assembly Candidacy]
9. GAU (Gay Academic Union)
10. College Gay Groups
11. CSLD (Christopher Street Liberation Day) Committee
12. Gay Liberation Statue
13. L/G Community Chest
14. Lower Manhattan and Chelsea Gayneighbors V.I.L.L.A.G.E
15. Gay Religious Groups (Other)
16. Metropolitan Community Church, 1978-1980
17. W. 4th Methodist Church
18. AIDS Bibliographies
19. AIDS Network
20. Funding AIDS
21. Gay Men with AIDS
22. Gay and Lesbian Emergency Fund NYC
23. NYC Government Responses to AIDS
24. St. Vincent’s Hospital
25. Research Proposals on AIDS, 1982
26. Gay Men’s Health Crisis
27. Transfusion Transmitted Disease
28. ARC [AIDS Resource Center] Fundraising Event
29. Guidelines for Designation as “High Risk Population”
30. Lesbian and Gay Health Organizations
31. Sympathetic Politicians
32. Sexual Law Reporter and Lambda Legal Defense, 1979-1980
33. Gays and the Law
34. Lesbian Feminist Liberation, 1975-1978
35. Lesbian and Gay Socialist, 1977-1980
36. Media Coverage of June 1978 March
37. “Cruising” Movie, July 1979
38. NYSCGO (New York State Coalition of Gay Organizations), 1978-1980
39. NYPAC (New York Political Action Council), 1979-1980
40. Gay Community Pamphlets
41. Minority Rights Coalitions (Race and Sexual Orientation)
42. National Committee for Sexual Civil Liberties
43. Gay Rights Bill (NYC)
44. NGTF (National Gay Task Force)
45. National Convention Project (Gay Vote USA), 1979
46. March on Washington, DC, October 14, 1979
47. Washington, DC: Travels and Political Activism
48. Gay Theater and Art
49. David Wynyard, “Gay Rap,” WBAI
50. Aesthetic Realism Foundation
51. The Gay Community in New York [Course Taught by Ethan Geto]
52. Anita Bryant
53. Moral Majority (1 of 2)
54. Moral Majority (2 of 2)
55. Fundamentalists
56. WestWorld All-Male Entertainment Center, 1981
57. Cards and Correspondence: Marc Rubin and Peter Fisher (1 of 2)
58. Cards and Correspondence: Marc Rubin and Peter Fisher (2 of 2)
