
1. News Stories 3-27-90 Bill’s
2. Parellel Track Video (shot log only)
3. National Commission on AIDS Video (shot log only)
4. Tony Fauci Meets w/ACT-UP Video (shot log only)
5. Revolution Recalled Video (shot log only)
6. Fetal Cell Meeting List
7. [The National Academy of Gallaudet]
8. Presidential Commission International Hearings, April 17-20, 1988
9. [Drug Research and Treatment]
10. [Lavender Hill Mob Meets with Fauci]
11. [Second International Lesbian and Gay Health Conference and AIDS Forum]
12. [WIN Project Foundation, 1988]
13. “Did You See…?” [short news items, 1987-88]
14. Anti Gay or AIDS Related Violence
15. [President’s Cancer Panel, 1988]
16. FDA Action Press Clippings etc.
17. ACT-UP Press Clippings
18. ACT-UP Summer ’88 Clippings
19. Australia – 16mm –
20. AIDS & Hemophiliacs
21. AIDS and Africa
22. Hispanic Perspective on AIDS
23. AIDS & Prisons
24. Haitians and AIDS
25. Prostitutes & AIDS
26. AIDS & Children
27. M M Prostitution Report [“AIDS and Female Prostitution: Exploding the Myths” by Margaret McCarthy, May 13, 1988]
28. AIDS & International Travel
29. AIDS & the Military
30. AIDS & the Economy
31. AIDS & the Police Dept.
32. AFA Homosexuals Flex Muscle [article American Family Association, Jan. 1988]
33. View of AIDS Too Narrow
34. Jan Press Clippings [1988]
35. Feb ’88 Press Clips
36. Press Clippings March ’88
37. Press Clippings April ’88
38. Press Clippings August ’88
39. Press Clippings Sept. ’88
40. Press Clippings Oct. ’88
41. Press Clippings Nov. ’88
42. AIDS Press Clippings May ’87
43. AIDS Press Clippings June ’87
44. AIDS Press Clippings July ’87
45. AIDS Press Clippings Aug. [1987]
46. Press Clippings Sept [1987]
47. Press Clippings Oct. [1987]
48. Nov.Press Clippings [1987]
49. December Press Clippings [1987]
50. Police & Demos Rights etc…[includes photographs of police arresting demonstrator]
51. Prejudices & Epidemiology ACTUP
52. War Conference
53. AIDS Washington
54. Majority Action Comm.
55. Holistic & Alt. Treatments Comm.
56. Full Quotes for Washington
57. New York Estimate for AIDS Infection Cut Almost in Half
58. Out in the 80’s
59. ACT UP Inc.? [re: proposed incorporation of ACT UP,1988]
60. [U.S. Health Summit on HIV Infection, 1988]
61. WHO Int’l Travel & HIV [World Health Organization, April 1987]
62. For Bill Meeting, 8/15/88
63. Presidents Commission, ACT-UP and LHM [Lavender Hill Mob] Testimony [Sept. 9, 1987]
64. Bill’s 1st Report on Pres. Commission
65. Bill Rubenstein’s Testimony – Dec. 3, 1987
66. Pres. Comm. Press Clips – Oct.-Dec. ’87
67. Pres. Comm. Oct. 16 Handouts [1987]
68. Pres. Comm. Miami [1987]
69. Pres. Comm. Nov. 24 Testimony [press clips, 1987]
70. Pres. Comm. Preliminary Report Dec. 2, 1987
71. Pres. Comm. Dec. 10 & 11 [1987]
72. Pres. Comm. Dec. 17 & 18 Testimony [1987]
73. Pres. Comm. Dec. 17 & 18 Testimony [1987]


74. Pres. Comm. – Koch & Joseph Testimony [Dec. 17, 1987]
75. Pres. Comm. Jan 13-15 Handouts [1988]
76. T & D 2-21-90 [Treatment and Data]
77. Albany Anniversary Action [Feb 1990]
78. Sex Educ. AIDS Supplement Grades K-6, 1989
79. AIDS Housing Now Press Clips – 2/90
80. Phone Sex [Feb. 1990]
81. Needle Exchange 1990 [press clips]
82. Mother Jones, Sex and Death in Key west – Article [Feb/Mar 1988]
83. ACT-UP Press Clippings [1988]
84. [Lavender Hill Mob]
85. Passive Immune Therapy [1989]
86. Fetal Tissue [1989]
87. ACT-UP Internal Jan-Mar 1988
88. Receipts [Lavender Hill Mob, 1987]
89. Syphillis & AIDS, D’Eramo [1988]
90. AIDS & Religion [1987-88 press clips]
91. The Way We Live Now (Sontag)
92. Individual Rights & Gov’t Policies
93. Press Clippings, March 1988
94. Stories for Bill Bahlman 1/19/90
95. Masters & Johnson & Press Clips
96. DDI vs. AZT Early Access – Kolata vs. Harrington
97. A More Humane ACTG [AIDS Clinical Trial Group, 1990]
98. Fetal Advisory Report 12-14-88
99. Thymus Journal [1987]
100. Bush’s 3-29-90 Speech [clipping]
101. [Barbara] Boxer Hearing 3-6-90
102. NY AIDS Coalition [1990]
103. Out in the 90’s 3-6-90
104. Malcolm Forbes Video (shot log only)
105. Presidential Commission May 9-11 Indianapolis Press Clippings [1988]
106. Catalogue of Video Tapes [ACT-UP tapes]
107. Sodomy Demo Video Log
108. HIV Antibody Testing [1987]
109. Robert Windom Mar. 15 ’88
110. NY Times Editorials [1987-1988]
111. U.S. Conference of Mayors Oct. 19 ’87
112. World Health Org. & U.N. [1987]
113. Pres. Comm. Mar. 16-18 Notes [1987?]
114. Pres. Comm. Oct. 16 Notes [1987]
115. Chairman’s Reccomendations 1 [Presidential Commission 1988]
116. Pres. Comm. Assort [1988]
117. Kennedy [Senator Edward, 1988]
118. Kennedy Hearings AIDS Fed. Policy Nov 18, 1987
119. Senator D’Amato [Lavender Hill Mob letter to D’Amato]
120. Senator Moynihan [1987-88]
121. Koop [Public Health Research Institute Newsletter, Fall 1988]
122. ASTHO Confidentiality & Anti-Disc[rimination, Report of Association of State & Territorial Health Officials, 1987]
123. U.S. Health Summit on HIV Bahlman Report [1988]
124. [AIDS Virus Spread, NY Times Story 10/16/87]
125. AIDS & Public Health Policy Spring-Summer ’87
126. Nat. Inst. of Justice
127. AIDS Law Reporter [1987]
128. The Body Positive Vol. 1 [1988]
129. AIDS Conerence Announcements [1988]
130. Unapproved Drug Lists
131. Conversation with the Mob 12/13/87 [Lavender Hill Mob]
132. AIDS Research Papers
133. ATEUs July 1987 [AIDS Treatment Evaluation Units]
134. ATEUs August 1987 [AIDS Treatment Evaluation Units]
135. Iris the Anylist [Iris L. Long, Ph.D. re: ATEUs, 1987]
136. ATEU Consent Forms
137. Clin-Prot AIDS Trials [AIDS protocols]
138. DRR Clinical Trials [Division of Research Resources, 1987]
139. HIV the Cause?
140. AmFAR Dir. Critique [of the AmFar Directory of Experimental Therapies for ARC and AIDS, 1988 by Iris Long, Ph.D. and James Eigo]
141. Transmission of HTLVI and HIV Among Homosexual Men in Trinidad
142. Columbia Univ. Comprehensive Cancer Conf. [1987]
143. Origin & Spread of AIDS
144. Tuberculosis Paper and Marty’s [Robinson] Comment, August 8-9, 1987
145. Cholesterol
146. Spellman Center
147. Robert Gallo
148. Paul Cameron [Family Research Newsletter of the Family Research Institute, Inc.
149. Nat Hentoff [Village Voice article November 24, 1987]
150. Institutions Receiving FY ’87 N.I.H. Support for AIDS Research
151. Fauci Dinner Unedited
152. Dinner with Fauci, December 17th 1987


153. Fauci Meeting Feb 16, 1988
154. Comm. Frank Young [Commisioner of Food and Drugs, Press Conference Feb 19, 1988]
155. Young before Senate July 13, ’88
156. Big Lie Continues FDA & Treatment IND PI Perspective No. 4
157. Apr. 18 Frank Young [1988 statement to Presidential Commission on AIDS]
158. Centers for Disease Control
159. N.Y. [State] Corrections Report on AIDS [1987]
160. Cure A.I.D.S Now [Miami Beach, FL, 1987]
161. Gay Youth
162. N.Y. Native by Bill [Bahlman]
163. LHEP 2nd Mailing Feb ’88 [Lavender Hill Education Project]
164. LHEP Orig. 1st Mailing
165. LHEP Mailing Lists
166. Lavender Hill Educ. Project
167. [March on Washington Oct. 11, 1987]
168. Gebbie Report [Kristine M. Gebbie, State of Oregon Department of Human Resources Health Division, 1985]
169. Recent Receipts [Dec. 1987]
170. [Lavender Hill Mob Leaflets]
171. Institutional Stagnation & Predjudice = Death
172. L.H.M. State Ass. Testimony
173. [ACT UP Leaflets]
174. In These Times on the [Lavender Hill] Mob
175. Your AIDS Research Dollars at Work [cartoon, July 22, 1987]
176. Mike Savino’s ACT UP Packette
177. Robertson Press Clipping & Leaflet
178. Agitate, Educate, Organize
179. Kiss In Feb. 14, 1988
180. False Hopes Smoke & Mirrors [PI Perspective, October, 1987]
181. Cosmo Demo
182. Lavender Hill News [1987]
183. Original Copies of Leaflets
184. Mailing Lists
185. ACT UP Minutes [1987]
186. [Bill Bahlman’s AIDS File – List of Folders]
187. American Society for Microbiology [October 1987]
188. National ASAP Conf. on HIV [America Needs a Sound AIDS Policy]
189. ASAP VV [Vilage Voice] Article
190. Treatment IND Press Clips 2/16,17/88
191. A Brief Summary – summit [on HIV Infection, November 28-29, 1988
192. For Next T & D Meeting [1987]
193. Pat Robertson [Washington Post October 2, 1987]
194. S.F. Chron. Shilts – Jan. 30 – Feb. 2 [Randy Shilts Articles,1989]
195. Stop the Church
196. PMA Drugs in Development 1989 [Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, 1989]
197. ACT UP’s Checklist for Actions
198. Alternative & Holistic Treatment Committee 1989
199. Wm. F. Buckley
200. ACT UP Jan. Atlanta Demo [1989]
201. ACT UP Reports & Contact Sheet Aug-Nov ’89
202. ACT UP South Carolina Protests Apl. 1989
203. State Assembly Hearing A27 High Cost [of AZT, 1987]
204. Originals of Presidential Commission Notes [1987]
205. USA Today Bill’s Op Ed [December 12, 1989]
206. Press Clips 1989
207. Rice, Revolution I & II [flyer asking for financial help for Bill Bahlmann]
208. [Fetal Tissue Research Meeting with Fauci October 19, 1989]
209. St. Vincent’s Hospital & Violence, Summer 1989
210. ACT UP Contact Sheets
211. Channel 13 & PBS
212. Primary & Elections 1989
213. T & D Digest [Treatment and Data Committee,1989]
214. A His/Herstory of Queer Action [1989]
215. [Lavender Hill Mob Leaflets]
216. Erythropoietin
217. Cong. Wm. Dannemeyer
218. Gay Pride Week 1989
219. Glines Theatre [Jane Chambers Play and Photos]
220. PWA Homelessness 1989
221. Media Mainstream Contacts
222. Names Project 1989


223. [Peter Staley]
224. NGLTF Town Meeting 10/6/89 [National Gay and Lesbian Task Force]
225. Antonia Novella Surgeon General
226. Out in the 80’s
227. 223. One Pass Club, etc. [plane tickets, etc. 1988-89]
228. Out in the 80’s! Books
229. Montreal Press Clips 6/89 [5th International Conference on AIDS]
230. For Next T & D Meeting [Treatment and Data Committee]
231.  D.I.V.A. TV [Damned Interfering Video Activists]
232. Piss & Vinegar [edited by Michael Petrelis, 1989
233. Boston [National Lesbian and Gay Health Fair/American Association of Physicians for Human Rights, 1988]
234. New Orleans Republican Convention [1988]
235. Texas
236. Education Secretery William Bennett
237. Presidential Campaign & AIDS [1987-88]
238. Seantor Paul Simon
239.  President Reagan & AIDS
240. Congressional Legislation [1987]
241. Child Porno and Obscenity Act [The Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act, 1988]
242.  Summary of AIDS Legislation Jan. ‘88
243. Computer Legislation Listings
244. Jesse Helm’s Amendment [1987]
245. Gary Bauer
246. Presidential Elections Sub-Committee [ACT UP, 1988]
247. Presidential Election ‘88
248. Dan Quayle on Liberty Island 9/5/88
249.  [Gay & Lesbian Voice ‘88]
250.  [FDC Reports “The Pink Sheet” Nov. 14, 1988]
251.  Joseph’s Fantasy Numbers [Stephen C. Joseph, NYC Health Commissioner, 1988]
252. Koch & AIDS [NYC Mayor Edward I. Koch]
253. NYC AIDS Forum
254. Stephen Joseph
255. Bathouse Close [1985-86]
256. City Council Legislation
257. U.S. Conference of Mayors, Plus
258. NYC Rights Comm. AIDS Discrimination [Report 1983-87]
259. City Commission on Human Rights [AIDS Discrimination Report, Aug. 1987]
260. Republican Convention ‘88
261. Legislative Action Sub-Committee [Mostly information from Human Rights Campaign Fund]
262. AIDS Drugs: Where Are They [73rd Report by the House Committee on Government Operations, Oct. 19 1988]
263. NYS Public Health Council 1985-1988
264.  N.Y.C. FY 1988-89 AIDS Budget
265. N.Y.State Budget FY 1988
266. AIDS Discrimination Cases
267. AIDS Update NY State Department of Social Services Fall ‘87
268.  Codes Committee Leaflet
269. Calif. Drug Testing Law
270. GAO AIDS Prevention Aug. 1987
271. Congressional Commission on AIDS
272.  Lavender Hill Education Project’s Files
273. [Presidential Commission Testimony, Apl. 1988]
274. Presidential Commission Final Report Public Comment [1988]
275. [God’s Love We Deliver, Inc.]


276. Kennedy Care Act [1990]
277. Originals Fetal Tissue
278. Act Up Meeting Schedules & Treasurers Reports [1988]
279. [AIDS Treatment Registry, 1989]
280. V International AIDS Conference [1989]
281. Presidential Commission Jan 13th Panels 1 to 6 [1988]
282. Presidential Commission Jan 14th Panels 7 to 12 [1988]
283.  Presidential Commission February 18-20 [1988]
284.  Presidential Commission March 1-3 Handouts [1988]
285. Presidential Commission March 24-25 [1988]
286. Presidential Commission April 18-20 [1988]
287. Presidential Commission May 9-11 Handouts [1988]
288. Presidential Commission May 16-18 [1988]
289. Presidential Commission Members[1988]
290. Cory Servaas & Other Wackos
291. Presidential Commission Press Clippings [1988]
292. GAO on Presidential Commission on AIDS 12-3-87
293. Presidential Commission Testimony [Sept. 9, 1987]
294. AZT Sonnabend Review of Study
295.  AZT
296. AZT & Children [1988-1989]
297. AZT & Acyclovir [1989]
