
Box 1A
1. [Correspondence, envelopes, petition, notes, a map of Washington, flyers, statement of principles, mailing lists.]
2. G & L organizational list List of endorsement [Notes, mailing list, flyers, list of endorsements, Gay and Young Youth Advocacy.]
3. National Office Operation [mailing list, flyers, notes, correspondence, envelopes, photocopies of newspaper articles.]
4. Regional Information-West [flyers, correspondence, newsletters.]
5. Regional Information-Mid Atlantic [flyers, correspondence.]
6. [Fyers, mailing list, correspondence.]
7. To Be Copied [flyers, correspondence, mailing list.]
8. Info. CLGR [Coalition for Lesbian And Gay Rights correspondence, flyers, Lesbian Switchboard, unsigned letter from William F. Buckley, Jr.]
9. Regional Information-Rocky Mt [notes, telephone numbers, addresses, flyers.]
10. [Mailing list, flyers, notes, correspondence.]
11. Regional Information-Midwest [notes correspondence, envelopes, flyers, newsletters, mailing list, minutes of meetings.]
12. [Notes, correspondence, manual for typewriter, flyers, financial statement, minutes.]
13. Proxy letter replies [correspondence.]
14. [Correspondence, envelopes, flyers, newspaper articles, notes]
15. MOW Houston [March on Washington correspondence, notes, proposed constitution for coalition committee report.]
16. [Pasteups, notes, flyers, agenda, photocopies of telegrams, correspondence.]
17. [Notes, attendance sign in sheets for meetings, questionnaires, flyers, map of Washington, photocopies of newspaper articles.]
18. Endorsements [correspondence.]

Box 1B
19. Honorary [correspondence, flyers, newspapers, endorsements list.]
20. Committee Reports [correspondence, flyers, mailing list.]
21. National Promotions [correspondence, mailgrams, photocopies of newspaper articles, schedule of speakers & entertainers, copy of congressional resolution #166, map of Washington D.C., programs, flyers.]
22. General Correspondence [correspondence, addresses of international Gay contacts.]
23. Finance [correspondence, mailgrams.]
24. Personal File- Steve Ault [correspondence, newsletters. resumes, press releases, abortion handbook, photocopies of mailgram, report from conference on the Klan by Center for Constitutional Rights.]
25. Local outreach March on Washington [list of volunteers, correspondence.]
26. Personal File – Polly Powledge [mailing list, correspondence, mailgram, notes, flyers, postal applications.]
27. Endorsements [envelopes, correspondence, notes, flyers,]
28. National Conference – Philadelphia [mailing list, photocopies of delegates response mailing.]

Box 1C
29. Regional Information – South [correspondence, flyers,]
30. [Newsletters, canceled checks, receipt, flyers, notes, mailing list.]
31. Printing Original Copy [correspondence, flyers, press release.]
32. Bulletins Original Copy [flyers program.]
33. [clippings of newspaper articles.]
34. [mailing list, flyers, packing slips, Lesbian & Gay Songs.]
35. Endorsement file [pasteup, notes, flyers, mailgram.]
36. Press Release 8/22 toll free [press releases.]
37. Press Release: Draft Note [ draft of press release.]
38. Media Correspondence [correspondence.]
39. Mailing list: Houston Observer alternative press [mailing list.]
40. Mailing List: Houston Delegates [ mailing list.]
41. Mailing list: small press.[mailing list, ID of Roselyn L. Dickson.]
42. Mailing List: NYC mainstream media list [mailing list.]
43. Volunteer packet [information for volunteers.]
44. Work done [correspondence, call slips.]
45. Resumes [Brenda Deviers resume.]
46. March related events [flyers.]
47. [Pamphlet for Plymouth Mills.]
48. Sign in forms [blank forms.]
49. Transportation [correspondence, news release, mailgrams, newspapers ads for Gay Freedom Train.]


50. Endorsements [list of endorsements, correspondence, flyers.]
51. Committee overview policy active file [list of members of policy committee
52. Less than $20 [application for hotel listing.]
53. Contacts-rosters [mailing list, correspondence.]
54. Originals-xeroxing [flyers, volunteer applications, newspaper articles.]
55. Committee logistics [notes, correspondence, data collection forms.]
56. Organizers handbook [information for organizers.]
57. Buttons, T-shirts, etc. [notes and information on buttons etc.]
58. Anti-march activities [notes.]
59. Artistic doodling [ Ad sketches.]
60. Volunteer schedule forms [blank forms.]
61. Forms [blank forms for housing, childcare, security volunteers.]
62. $20-$30 [applications for hotel listings.]
63. $30-$40 [applications for hotel listings.]
64. Committee housing- old to be kept [applications.]
65. [Flyers.]
66. Committee-media & PR [flyers, notes, mailing list.]
67. April 16th information [notes, envelopes, newsletters, proposed speakers list for discussion, flyers.]
68. Outreach [flyers, notes, envelopes, newsletters, instructions for selling & handling bus tickets, copy of proclamation from mayor of Washington DC.]
69. Stationery – letter heads
70. To be signed [letters.]
71. Committee-lobbying [flyers, notes, envelopes, open letter to members of congress about Reubin Askew.]
72. [Flyers, pasteups.]
73. Contacts-natl MOW including local regional offices [flyers, newsletters, notes, mailing list, envelopes, Metropolitan Guide Services for Lesbian & Gay Men.]
74. [Washington DC motel & hotel listings, mailing list, flyers, postcards, memo, envelopes.]


75. Committee overview/policy old to be kept [copies of motions and proposals.]
76. Committee overview/policy-tours [flyers.]
77. Committee overview/policy correspondence [flyers.]
78. Letters for Roz [flyers, notes, logistics information.]
79. [Flyers, Chemical Bank statement.]
80. [Flyers, cultural budget, photocopies of Nation articles, envelopes, resolutions from Women’s Caucus. mailing list.]
81. Bills paid-printing
82. Vital information permits & regulations
83. Committee outreach Addresses Letters [correspondence, addresses.]
84. Committee outreach-speaker report [speakers info.]
85. Committee outreach [addresses, flyers.]
86. Committee fundraising [pasteups of posters or flyers.]
87. Committee-culture activities [committee members information.]
88. Committee childcare active file[forms.]
89. March route [map of Washington DC.]
90. General Information letter [letters.]
91. Medical [while you were out slips.]
92. Originals typesetting [pasteups].
93. Related march events [notes.]
94. Pending events [notes.]
95. Endorsements add to list new [letters, envelopes.]
96. Endorsements GAA related material [letters.]
97. [Flyers, programs.]
98. Steve Brown [constitution lobby core group.]
99. [Notes, flyers, addresses.]
100. [Notes, flyers.]
101. $60 [hotel listing.]
102. $50-60 [hotel listing.]
103. $40-50 [hotel listings.]
104. Miscellaneous [flyers.]
105. Regional Reports Conf., Etc. – Mid-West[flyers.]
106. Regional Reports Conf., Etc. – Mid-Atlantic [flyers, photocopies of newspaper article, telegrams, minutes of meetings.]
107. Regional Reports Conf., Etc. – Northeast [flyers.]
108. Regional reports Conf., Etc. – Southern [flyers.]
109. Regional Reports Conf., Etc. – Western [newsletters.]
110. Vital Info- Phone SP Communications [letters & Flyers from SP Communications.]
111. Correspondence.


112. Committee- Women [flyers.]
113. Contacts-Labor Unions [flyers, notes, mailing list.]
114. Subversive Activities [pasteups, photocopies of newspaper and magazines articles.]
115. [Checking statements, canceled checks, receipts, flyers, envelopes, ballots.]
116. [Checking statements, canceled checks, receipts, flyers, envelopes, ballots.]
117. February 17th Fundraiser 1977 [pasteups, correspondence, envelopes.]
118. Ruth Kemper [notes, greeting cards, Flyers.]
119. Committee-Security [ notes, maps, flyers, information packets. ]
120. CLGR – Treasurer [bank statements, canceled checks, Receipts, mailing list.]
121. Support File-Labor [correspondence.]
122. Support File-Political [correspondence, photocopies of newspaper articles.]
123. May 6/77 Fundraiser [door list, correspondence.]
124. Letters to Council persons [correspondence.]
125. [Correspondence.]
126. [Pasteups, for posters.]


127. [Receipts, check stubs.]
128. [Flyers, notes, photocopies of newspaper articles.]
129. Endorsements Letter Gay People [flyers, correspondence, notes.]
130. Dignity [flyers, correspondence.]
131. Council District Needed [petitions.]
132. Office Space Info [notes, checks, checking statement, flyers.]
133. Local Media March on Washington [correspondence, petitions.]


134. Support file master copy #1 [correspondence, press releases, resolutions, photocopies of newspaper articles.]
135. [Pasteups, correspondence, flyers, mailing list, notes.]
136. Regional info-Northeast[photocopies of mailgrams, proposed conference rules, flyers, correspondence, newsletters.]
137. [Notes, flyers, correspondence, tickets.]
138. Local-logistics March on Washington [envelopes, correspondence, mailing list, list of bus companies, map of DC, telegrams, press releases.]
139. List Information [mailing list of National Lawyers Guild, Gayellow Pages, envelopes, mailing list.]


140. [Mailing list, flyers.]
141. [Press release NGTF info, flyers.]
142. March on Washington Newspapers[photocopies of newspapers articles.]
143. [Correspondence, flyers.]
144. [Lesbian and gay rights statement]
145. Volunteer application
146. [Misc. correspondence, notes, flyers, etc.]
147. [Mailing list.]
148. [Phone & communication log, work projects log.]
149. Speakers Biographical Data (NMOW)


150. GLIB – Gay and Lesbian Indepenent Democrats – Decision 1980
151. NMOW Finacial documents
152. Buttons and Tee-Shirt order forms
153. Post March related material
154. Permit to March
155. Socialists./Communists/Radicals
156. Philadelphia Conference
157. National March on Washington Meeting notes, memos, and proposals
158. NMOW Correspondence
159. Endorsements
160. Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights (CLGR) material
161. Regional – San Francisco, Denver, North Texas
162. Regional – New York Metro Area
163. Regional – Los Angeles, Chicago, Southeast
164. Travel, Transportation, Accommodations, Logistics
165. Media, Press Releases


166. Flyers, Stickers, Posters, Pamphlets
167. Miscellaneous Gay writings, articles, progay-antigay
168. Stonewall 10 years
169. Gay and Lesbian Art
170. Robert L. Livingstone Community Center Management Group [New York City]
172. Petition to President Carter to pass Gay Rights Bill H.R.2074
173. H.R. 2074 (a bill)
174. Organizational Handbook {NMOW produced}
175. [3rd World Conference / 3rd World Committee]
176. [Abrams, Tom — Kidnapping]
177. [Budget]
178. [CLGR / Juanita Ramos]
179. [Committee for the MOW (Interim Steering Committee)]
180. [Constituent Lobbying]
181. [Contact Lists]
182. [Coordinating Committee & Policy Committee]
183. [Cultural Committee]
184. [Demands represented in the March proposals by various groups / Position Papers]
185. [Endorsements / Non-Endorsements]
186. [Financial Records]
187. [“Freedom Flags”]
188. [Fundraising]
189. [Housing & food (at MOW)]
190. [Hunter, Joyce — correspondence & other personal]
191. [LAGPONY / March on Albany]
192. [Logistics committee]


193. [March organizers — correspondence to]
194. [Media committee]
195. [Mid Atlantic Regional Conference]
196. [Misc. phone messages, receipts, handwritten notes]
197. [National Logistics Office (New York)]
198. [National Steering Committee meeting — Houston]
199. [Newspaper articles]
200. [NMOW Articles of Incorporation]
201. [NMOW Letterhead]
202. [NMOW — programs, calendars, other]
203. [NMOW — Regional Office — Denver]
204. [NMOW — Regional Offices — Massachusetts]
205. [NMOW — Regional Offices — Mid-Atlantic]
206. [NMOW — Regional Office — New York]
207. [NMOW — Regional Offices — San Francisco — (outreach & fundraising)]
208. [NMOW — Regional Offices — Southern CA / LA]
209. [NMOW — Regional Offices — Southern Region]
210. [“Organizers Handbook” — History & Structure of March Planning]
211. [Outreach Committee]
212. [Philadelphia Conference (aka National Conference) — Feb 1979]
213. [Post March Policy Conference — Oberlin]
214. [Posters, Stickers, etc.]
215. [Security Committee]
216. [Speeches made at MOW 79]
217. [Steve Ault / Joyce Hunter / New York Office — Correspondence]
218. [Transportation]
219. [Volunteer Coordination]
220. [Women’s Caucus]
221. Pay Book & Expenses of Office
222. National March on Washington Payroll Book & Journal


223. [Check stubs]
224. 101 – 140 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
225. 141 – 180 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
226. 181 – 220 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
227. 221 – 260 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
228. 261 – 300 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
229. 301 – 340 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
230. 341 – 380 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
231. 381 – 403 [Canceled checks, some with receipts and various notes attached]
232. Financial Reports 2/29/80 and 8/14/80


233. Bank Statements
234. M.O.W. 1982 [Financial summaries submitted for audit]
235. Bills Payable
236. Third World Gays
237. [Misc. correspondence, reports, flyers etc.]
238. March 79 [Coalition for Lesbian and Gay Rights]
239. National Organization of Lesbians and Gays
240. M.O.W. Committee Reports
241. [Contact Lists]


242. [Committee reports, correspondence, notes, flyers etc.]
243. Articles of Incorp. / Unrelated to March 79 [misc. material]
