Pledge to Vote

November 5 – General Election

Let’s embrace the power of our vote on November 5! It’s our opportunity to shape the world we want to live in, where our rights are protected, our voices heard, and our identities celebrated.


November 5 - General Election

Get Out the Vote! On November 5, you can help determine who will be on the ballot for elections across New York State by participating in New York’s Primary.

All About Voting

New York’s voter turnout is historically low. In local elections, when voter turnout is especially low, every vote can make a huge impact. Some local elections come down to a difference of just a few hundred votes or less. That means that every single vote matters! You can help combat misconceptions and apathy, and make sure people know that elections help shape the future. If you have an opinion on what should be done, from school board elections to judicial selections, then voting is the first step to making that happen.

You have three options for voting in the upcoming General Election:

  • Vote by mail by requesting an absentee ballot online, by email, fax, or postmarked mail by October 26. After completing your ballot, it must be postmarked no later than November 5.

Request an absentee ballot online:

The last day to register or change your voter registration is October 26. Check Your Voter Registration Status or Register to Vote


Voting in the General Election

Preview your Ballot

There’s a lot on the ballot—it can be overwhelming! This feature allows you to see the offices and proposals that will appear on your specific ballot, so that you know in advance exactly what you’ll be able to vote on this year.

Ranked choice voting allows New York City voters to rank candidates by preference instead of choosing just one. It works like this:

  • 1st choice: The candidate you love
  • 2nd choice: The candidate you like
  • 3rd or 4th choice: The candidate you like slightly less
  • 5th choice: The candidate you can stand
  • Even if your favorite candidate doesn’t win, you still have a voice, and determine who’s elected.
  • You can vote your conscience without worrying that you’re wasting your vote or electing a candidate you don’t like.
  • Ranking a 2nd, 3rd, etc. choice will never impact your favorite candidate.

No. When the ballot scanner reads multiple candidates ranked the same, it will not count your ballot.

Contact your local NYC board of elections at 1-866-Vote-NYC (1-866-868-3693) and they will be happy to help, or get you a replacement ballot, if needed.

To learn more, visit Rank The Vote NYC.

You can find your district, voter registration information, polling location, and more by visiting

All registered voters can participate in early voting, which starts 10 days before Election Day. There are several benefits to voting early, including shorter wait times and less crowding at your polling site. The early voting period for the primary election is October 26-November 5. Find your early voting polling location.

When your ballot arrives, read it carefully and follow the instructions to complete it and return it. You should fill out and return your ballot as soon as possible. All ballots must be postmarked by November 5.

General Voting Questions

To register to vote, you have to be:

  • A citizen of the United States (born in the U.S. or naturalized). That includes people who were born in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
  • A resident of New York State for at least 30 days before the election.
  • At least 18 years old by Election Day (that includes if you turn 18 on Election Day!)
  • Not in prison for a felony conviction.

Absentee voting allows you to vote by mail rather than going to the polls and casting your vote in person. All states allow people to cast their votes via mail-in or absentee ballots. Some, like New York, require voters to give a reason before allowing them to vote by mail.

You can vote by absentee ballot if you are a registered voter and cannot make it to your polling site on Election Day because of your:

  • Occupation
  • Business
  • Studies
  • Travel
  • Incarceration (other than convicted felony), or
  • Illness, disability, hospitalization, or residence in a long-term care facility

You can find your district, voter registration information, polling location, and more by visiting

Volunteer with The Center’s RiseOut Action Team to join our Get Out The Vote efforts, as we work to provide accurate voting information and underscore the importance of elections for our community.

Fill out the pledge form above and keep an eye out for email alerts about ballot deadlines, election dates, and other information on civic engagement. We’ll make sure you have the information you need so that you never miss an opportunity to be heard!

Get Out The Vote!

Now that you’re registered to vote, it’s your turn to encourage others to vote, too. Start by familiarizing yourself with the registration process, since it’s the first step to voting.

Keep it Non-Partisan

The Center is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means we can’t endorse any one party or candidate. That means when you do Get Out the Vote with The Center, it’s important to keep it non-partisan.

Encourage people to research the candidates and the political parties in New York State (there are eight of them!) on their own before making decisions. 

  • Don’t suggest which party to register with.
  • Don’t suggest which candidate to vote for.
  • Don’t talk about party stances or the parties that politicians belong to.

Understanding the Voter Registration Form

To get you started, take a look at this helpful Guide to the New York State Voter Registration Form.


A few tips on filling out the form:

  • Item 5, which includes a gender selection, is optional.
  • Items 6 and 7 are also optional, although entering your phone and/or email will ensure that you can be contacted in case there’s an issue with your registration form.
  • You only have to fill out item 12 if you’re updating your address.
  • You don’t have to choose a party when you register, but in order to vote in primary elections in New York State you need to register with the party whose primary you wish to participate in.
  • For the general election, you don’t need to be registered with a party to vote for a candidate.

And some gentle reminders:

  • If someone is not a U.S. citizen, filling out a voter registration form at all can have serious legal consequences, as it is considered forgery. If someone seems unsure if they can register to vote, ask if they would like to go over their eligibility.
  • Don’t pressure anyone to tell you why they are not eligible if they do not want to share that information.

Help Beyond Voting

Volunteer with The Center’s RiseOut Action Team to join our Get Out The Vote efforts, as we work to provide accurate voting information and underscore the importance of elections for our community. The Center is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization. We do not endorse any political party or candidates.