1. The Hatman Revealed 20 Oct 2005
2. Anonymity 1988
3. Euphemisms 2002
4. Euphemisms 2001
5. Morality, Et Al
6. Pharoah Collection 1988
7. Self Portraits + UFemisms Prints
8. Guy Kettlehack Book
9. Book Art & Slides
10. [Book Art]
11. Colored Scanned Drawings 2004
12. Copier Art Unison Series Story (Eupemisms) 13 May 2006
13. [Pharoah Series Art]
14. Doc Mondo Narratives 2004
15. Archival Drawings and Collages
16. Lonergan “Masturbation Fantasies”
17. Hatman
18. Tableaus 4 Sept 2006
19. Archival Book 2005
20. Tableaus 4 Sept 2006
21. Changes
22. [Book Art and Drawings]
23. [Drawings]
24. [“What is Art?” 11 Apr 2006]
25. An Artist’s Book and Drawings
26. Two Stories July 1998
27. Fat Mavis, Rough Work Dore’ + Vintage Stories
28. Shock Gridley
29. Simon
30. Dagmar and the Circus
31. Archival Collection Originals
32. [Book Art]
33. With All My Love, Hokusai! 18 May 2006
34. A Collaboration with the Past 05 Oct 2006
35. Vintage Drawings/Collage
36. The Old Man’s Story
37. Scholars’s Reef, etc. and Originals in Color
38. [Sketches and Drawings]
39. Archival Comix
40. Best of Early Homemade Porn
41. 2008 Inventory Archival Collection
42. 2008 INV #37
43. [Algorithmic Drawings March 2008- August 2008]
44. Vanman 30
45. V.S. etc. Creme #30
46. Creme #4
47. Jeff Dawson Creme #6
48. Lucifer Creme #7
49. Creme #8
50. Creme #9
51. Archival Creme #19
52. A Most Excellent Collection Book #22
53. Creme of the Creme #5
54. Archival Book (Art) Creme #28
55. The Creme #1
56. Tom Trusky Book
57. Archival: Gary Books September 1988
58. Archival Copier Collection 1970-1976
59. Archival #20
60. Archival #23
61. Archival #24
62. Changes Archival
63. Archival Collection Originals “Ghirleins” Series
64. Archival “Meatyard”
65. Archival Sampler 1970-2008
66. Archival Dated & Undated
67. Rapid Transit
68. Rapid Transit 2
69. Velez Copier Book 1986
70. Voyager 1987
71. Copier Art Book 1987
72. Changes
73. Pinstripe Book #1 1988
74. Pinstripe Book #2 1988
75. Pinstripe Book #3 1988
76. Pinstripe Book #4 1988
77. 1988-90 Copier art
78. Portfolio as a Copier Book 1989
79. Copier Book “Untitled Story” 1989
80. Bright Waters 1989
81. Raglan 1989
82. “In Which A Young Man…” 1989
83. Egyptian Masters 1993
84. Copier Book Art 1993
85. Euphemisms 2001
86. “You’ll Never See This in America”
87. “Willi” Collage/Copier Art
88. The Pornographically Intending Line
89. Copier Art Masters
90. A Copier Artist Book 2008
91. Untitled Copier Edition Masters 2008
92. Rapid Transit
93. [Beach Copier Art]
94. Louis
95. Pinstripe Book 5
96. Polka Dot Book Max & Kit
97. [Copier Art]
98. [Copier Art]
99. [Copier Art]
100. [Comics “Meat Yard”, “Doc Mondo”]
101. Doc Mondo “Shootin’ Hot Spunk”
102. Garys Debut “New and Improvised Cumix”
103. [Untitled Raglan Comic]
104. Jock’s Horde
105. [Artists Books]
106. Scenario for a Porn Flick 1989
107. “You’ll Never See This In America” 1988
108. A 2 in 1 Book Copier Art 1989
109. Masturbation Fantasies 2001
110. 2001 Copier Art Book
111. Copier Art Creme Sampler #14 2002
112. Definitive vs. Etc
113. Copier Art 1970s
114. Arc Dot, Specs, Comics 2003
115. Ufemisms Book Art #6
116. Book Masters #15 2005
117. There is More to a Book than it’s Cover
118. A Waste-Not Book
119. Velez At The Circus
120. [Portfolio of Comics]
121. [Untitled Comics and Copier Art]
122. [Jock’s Horde Cumics]
123. [Doc Mondo Cumics]
124. [Artists Books]
125. [Copier Art]
126. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
127. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
128. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
129. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
130. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
131. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
132. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
133. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
134. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
135. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
136. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
137. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
138. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
139. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
140. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
141. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
142. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
143. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
144. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
145. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
146. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
147. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
148. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
149. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
150. [Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
151. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
152. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
153. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
154. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
155. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
156. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
157. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
158. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
159. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
160. [Small Artist Books 8.5″x5.5″]
161. [Unison 1993]
162. [Artist Books 1969-1973]
163. [Artist Book 1977]
164. [Artist Books 1985-1987]
165. [Artist Books 1988-1992]
166. [Artist Books 1993-2000]
167. [Artist Books 2000-2001]
168. [Artist Books 2002-2003]
169. [Artist Books 2004-2008]
170. [Artist Book Undated]
171. Travelog
172. Euphemism Publishing
173. Beauty and The Beast (not the fairytale0 and Variations
174. Boy Man Stories
175. Boy Man Stories
176. [Small Artist Books]
177. [Small Artist Books]
178. [Small Artist Books]
179. [Small Artist Books]
180. [Small Artist Books]
181. [Small Artist Books]
182. [Small Artist Books]
183. [Small Artist Books]
184. [Small Artist Books]
185. [Small Artist Books]
186. [Small Artist Books]
187. [Copier Masters 2004]
188. [Copier Masters 2010]
189. [Copier Masters 1967-1989]
190. [Copier Masters 1987-1989]
191. [Copier Masters 1990-1994]
192. [Copier Masters 1994-1998]
193. [Copier Masters 2000-2005]
194. [Copier Masters 2006-2009]
195. [Copier Masters 2008-2009]
196. [Copier Masters Undated]
197. [Copier Masters Undated]
198. [Copier Masters Undated]
199. [Copier Masters Undated]
200. Cory Books 1,2,3 Masters
201. Hans & LaFitte Copier Masters 2004
202. [Various Copier Masters]
203. [Various Copier Masters]
204. [Various Copier Masters]
205. [Various Copier Masters]
206. [Various Copier Masters]
207. [Various Copier Masters]
208. [Various Copier Masters]
209. “Abusin Susan” Copier Masters 1987
210. “Trucker John” Copier Masters
211. Brightwaters Edition Copier Masters
212. Various Copier Masters
213. “The Wild Party” Original Artwork 1969-1979
214. “Polemic” Original Artwrof 1985
215. “Summer of 1986” Original Artwork 1986
216. [Sketchbook 1970]
217. [Sketchbook 1970-1971]
218. [Sketchbook 1972]
219. [Sketchbook 1972]
220. [Sketchbook 1973-1974]
221. [Sketchbook 1973-1974]
222. [Sketchbook 1974-1975]
223. [Sketchbook 1975-1976]
224. [Sketchbook 1985]
225. [Sketchbook 1985]
226. [Sketchbook 08 Feb 2011]
227. [Sketchbook Undated]
228. “Blue Big Little Book” 1982-1983
229. [Untitled Sketchbook]
230. [Untitled Sketchbook]
231. “Street Smarts” 1992
232. “Unison” 1991-1994
233. “Chelsea Long Beach” 1993 -2004
234. [Untitled Sketchbook]
235. [Untitled Sketchbook 05 Jul 1999 – 04 Mar 2004]
236. [Untitled Sketchbook Apr 2002 – 03 Dec 2003]
237. [Untitled Sketchbook 31 Oct 2003- 31 Mar 2005]
238. [Untitled Sketchbook]
239. [Untitled Sketchbook 31 Jul 2005-31 Dec 2005]
240. [Untitled Sketchbook Dec 2005- Jun 2006]
241. “Part I, II, III etc.” Mar 2006 – 2007
242. [Untitled Sketchbook Jul 2006- Oct 2007]
243. [Untitled Sketchbook Dec 2006 – Jul 2007]
244. [Untitled Sketchbook]
245. [Untitled Sketchbook 01 Oct 2007 – 29 Nov 2008]
246. [Untitled Sketchbook]
247. [Untitled Sketchbook 2007-2008]
248. [Untitled Sketchbook 10 Mar 2008- Apr 2008]
249. [Untitled Sketchbook Sep 2008- Oct 2008]
250. [Untitled Sketchbook 20 Oct 2008 – 24 May 2009]
251. [Untitled Sketchbook 07 Sep 2009 – 30 Oct 2009]
252. [Untitled Sketchbook 10 Feb 2010 – 12 May 2010]
253. [Untitled Sketchbook 01 Apr 2009 – 16 Jan 2010]
254. [Untitled Sketchbook May 2010 – Jul 2010]
255. [Untitled Sketchbook Jun 2009 – Sep 2009]
256. [Untitled Sketchbook 09 Jul 2010 – 09 Sep 2010]
257. [Untitled Sketchbook 21 Jul 2010 – 04 Feb 2010]
258. “My Log/Drawings/Collages” 16 Sep 2010
259. [Untitled Sketchbook 1969-1970]
260. “Titman, Hatman & Others In Manhattan 1983-1984
261. “Doc Mondo/Unison/Changes/Velez 1986”
262. [Untitled Sketchbook]
263. [Untitled Sketchbook 1993-2009]
264. “A Vanman Saga 2003”
265. [Untitled Sketchbook 13 Mar 2008-29 Sep 2008]
266. [Untitled Sketchbook 23 Sep 2009-21 Sep 2010]
267. [Untitled Sketchbook Oct 2009-Mar 2010]
268. “Velez 2010”
269. [Untitled Sketchbook 01 Apr 2012]
270. [Untitled Sketchbook]
271. [Untitled Sketchbook]
272. “Skippy”
273. [Untitled Sketchbook]
274. [Undated Sketches]
275. [Undated Sketches]
276. [Undated Sketches]
277. [Undated Sketches]
278. [Undated Sketches]
279. [Undated Sketches]
280. [Undated Sketches]
281. [Undated Sketches]
282. Flip Book 1987-2006
283. “Hatman Revealed”
284. “UFemisms 2002”
285. “The Runners”
286. [Undated Original]
287. [Various Vintage 2006]
288. [Originals 1972]
289. “Folio 1980’s”
290. “Cock-Tales Jul 1989”
291. “Cut Up Set of Drawings 1984”
292. “Doc Mondo Originals 1989”
293. [Various Sketches 1984-1997]
294. “Euphemisms Publico 1990’s]
295. “Porn 2001′
296. “‘Ser’ Folio of Photoshop Art 2001”
297. “Vanman Originals #30”
298. [Sketches 02 Apr 2006- 05 Mar 2008]
299. “Lawrence”
300. “Mantee”
301. “Student Art Vintage”
302. “Velez At The Circus Oct 2010”
303. “Portfolio One and Two 2000”
304. “Rites of Prencara, Blaze O’Toole, Thorpe, J.C. 2001”
305. “Tate Maury 1975”
306. “Billy’s Story, Jocks Hoarde, Cruisers 1976-1982”
307. “1990-1992”
308. “The Taming of Roag”
309. “Red Rover”
310. “Skippy”
311. “Louis”
312. “Jamie McFefters 1974-1975 Originals”
313. “Lookout Someone’s Coming 2001”
314. [Undated Originals]
315. [Undated Originals]
316. [Undated Originals]
317. [Undated Originals]
318. [Undated Originals]
319. [Undated Originals]
320. “The Marriage of Lysander”
321. “Mame 1976”
322. “Harley’s Van 1977”
323. “Outer Space & Aliens ’70s”
324. “Harley’s Van 1977”
325. “Jethro 70s”
326. “Jamie, etc Late 70s”
327. [Untitled Originals 18 Sep 2002]
328. [Untitled originals 1975]
329. “Rhoda Quim 3rd Round 1979”
330. “Dick Stories, etc 1975-1978”
331. “Red Rover 1976”
332. “Prince Hal 1977”
333. “Doc Mondo 1980-1983”
334. “Skippy 1982”
335. “Abusin Susan 1985”
336. “Louis 1989”
337. “Tom Tyler’s Luck”
338. “The Third Round”
339. “Jamie Dee”
340. “Johnny Priapus”
341. “Vintage Dagmar”
342. “Saga #V”
343. “Red Rover”
344. “Goin’s On Comics”
345. “Jory’s Game”
346. “The Further Exploits of Shock Gridley”
347. “Doc Mondo Saga”
348. “Creme #16” 1967
349. “Numbers Creme #26” 1973
350. “Cock Snare Creme #27” 1970-1980
351. “Dailed Gimel” 1986-1997
352. “Abusin Susan 1987”
353. “Creme #11 1988-1989”
354. “Creme #3” 1991
355. “Three Comic Strips”
356. “Retrospective Creme#17”
357. “The Third Round Creme #12”
358. “Prince Hal Book & Doc Savage O’Keene”
359. “Creme #20 Robert and the Mounties”
360. “Leander”
361. “Photoshop Art #2.2” 2001
362. “Photoshop Art Creme #18”
363. “Jock’s Hoard Books 1, 2, 3”
364. Spurts The Creme #10″
365. [Copier Art]
366. “Fag Power Creme #25”
367. “Book Art Creme #21”
368. “Getaway Adventures Creme #24”
369. “Saga #I”
370. “Rod Regas”
371. “The Adventures of…”
372. “Saga #1”
373. “Mantee”
374. “The Further Exploits of Allen Dale”
375. “Dust O’ Day/ Thor Wiggens Oct 2006”
376. “The Adventures of Mona”
377. [Untitled Comic]
378. [Untitled Misc]
379. [Untitled Copier Art]
380. [Mail Art Project]
381. [Copier Art]
382. [Copier Art]
383. [Book-Making How To]
384. [Resumes]
385. [Stories]
386. [Correspondence]
387. [Daring Durea Series]
388. [Darin Durea Collector’s Series]
389. “Pedagogical Notes Project #1”
390. “Another ‘Pedagogical’ Collection”
391. [Teaching Geometry Through Art]
392. [Teaching Geometry Through Art]
393. “GTA Children’s Art”
394. “Review of Supplemental Visual Aides 17 Oct 1995”
395. “Geometry Through Art”
396. [Teaching Geometry Through Art]
397. [Teaching Geometry Through Art]
398. “Found About Picture Images Jul 2006”
399. “Geometry of El Greco= His Cosmology Mar 2008”
400. [Teaching Geometry Through Art]
401. “Geometry Through Art”
402. “Geometry Through Art”
403. “Geometry Through Art”
404. “Teaching Geometry Through Art”
405. ”Pedagogical Notes: To Be Cont’d”
406. [Teaching Geometry Through Art]
407. “Geometry Through Art”
408. [Teaching Geometry Through Art]
409. “Geometry Through Art Promo 1993”
410. “Summer 2006/Pedagogical Book”
411. “G.T.A 1982-1998”
412. “Basic GTA Grids 2007”
413. [Geometry Through Art]
414. “Geometry Through Art”
415. [Geometry Through Art]
416. “NCTM Kick Off Kit”
417. “El Greco’s Geometry and Imagination”
418. “Math Forum/ Basic Kit 2007”
419. “GTA Vintage Assessment Jul 2007”
420. [Geometry Through Art Worksheet Masters]
421. [Golden rectangle PowerPoint Printout]
422. [Geometry Through Art Newsletter]
423. [Geometry Through Art-Pedagogical]
424. [Geometry Through Art-Pedagogical]
425. [Geometry Through Art-Pedagogical]
426. [Geometry Through Art-Pedagogical]
427. [Geometry Through Art Master Copies]
428. [Geometry Through Art Copier Masters]
429. [Geometry Through Art Worksheet Masters]
430. [Geometry Through Art Student Work]
431. [Geometry Through Art Pedagogical Materials]
432. [Geometry Through Art Resources For Teachers]
433. “Mostly Stories; A Few Drawings 27 Sep 2010”
434. [Misc. Drawings]
435. [Collection of Stories and Drawings]
436. [Misc. Drawings]
437. “Works In Progress: Asst. Typed Narratives 2000”
438. [Misc. Untitled Stories]
439. [Misc. Untitled Stories]
440. “Rolling Stone Final Print Slides”
441. “Rolling Stone Final Print Slides”
442. “Slides Aids Set”
443. “Oil Paintings/Slide Collection”
444. [Assorted Slide Collection]
445. [Euphmisms Slide Collection]
446. [Euphmisms Slide Collection]
447. [Assorted Slide Collection]
448. [Assorted Slide Collection]
449. “Nina Aoki’s Review of My Book Art”
450. “The Ambigiuity of the Jock Strap”
451. “Art In America”
452. [Untitled Artist Book]
453. “Wonder”
454. [Other People’s Artist Books]
455. [Other People’s Artist Books]
456. [Other People’s Artist Books]
457. [Correspondence]
458. Oversize Prints