a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:14:”section_header”;s:16:”UNFOLDERED ITEMS”;s:15:”section_content”;s:12622:”Poster Listing:

“Condoman” (30C)”Congratulations” (271C)”Cover yourself against AIDS” (344G)”Dr. Nick says,.’Don’t worry, kids'” (274C)”Erotic safe sex seminars” (289A)”Even dickheads play it safe” (94C)”Drugs” (284C)”Hard Times good labor” (291C)”Have a safe sex summer” (106C)”I think I’ve got something” (282C)”It’s more than sex” (288C)”Living well” (290A)”Love him safely every time” (280C, 125C)”Our secret is safe” (294A)”Play safe” (286C)”Pssst…our secret” (293 A)”Sailors: AIDS is real” (12E)”6 tips for hard cocks” (43A, 63A, 64A)”Stop AIDS” (29C)”The AIDS puzzle” (287C)”Two of life’s essentials” (283C)”Wrap your lunch” (114C)”You can get it from giving it””You’ll never forget the feeling of safe sex” (190C, 18B) BRAZIL
“AIDS assimpega: assimnaopega” (349C)”Amor Nao Mata” (348C)”AIDS: e preciso prevenir, porque nao ha como” (351A)”Lute por seus direitos” (352A) CANADA
“AIDS Awareness Week, 1986″ (54A)”AIDS is big; together we’re bigger” (281C)”AIDS prevenir, soutenir, intervenir” (276C)”Anal sex” (44C)”Angry Initiatives Defiant Strategies” (285C)”Conference” (275C)”Don we now…our gay apparel” (120C)”Le plaisir du latex” [hetero] (278C)”Le plaisir du latex” [homo] (124C)”Le savoir vivre” (31C)”Le sida peut t’atteindre sois vigilant” (572C)”Let’s do it tonight” (269C)”Oral sex” (81C)”Pour que l’amour vive!” (279C)”Savoir c’est prevenir” (277C)”SIDA l’isolement n’est pas une solution” (74C)”So love can live” (273C)”Take it off… put it on” (93B, 67B) DENMARK
“AIDS linien” (347F)”Et par pa Tre” (258D)”Himlen ma Vente” (254D)”Pa Ham Ikke Iham” (354A)
“A free safeT pin up” (261A)”AIDS is a woman’s issue too” (255C)”Choose safer sex” (265C)[Head shot of two young blond men](267C)[Man in leather pants, holding his crotch] (268C)[Muscular torso] (108C)[Naked man being held by hands from behind] (262C)[Naked man in cloth bondage] (264C)[Naked man taking his shirt off ](220C)”Safer sex” (119D)”Safer sex: don’t dream it, do it” (260C) FRANCE”Pensez a votre ami, le preservatif” (256C) GERMANY”Bewusst leben” (22D)”Gebrauchtes spritzbesteck nie weitergeben” (259D)”Hoechste Zeit” (213C)”The hot rubber condom for the gay man” (218A)”Infiziert” (263C)”Juhuiiiiii!” (217A)”Man kann das virus stoppen. Ich benutze kondome” (266C)”Mit Kondom” (14D)”Positiv leben” (121D)”Pret-a-Porter” (The hot rubber) (215C)”Schwul leben” (257D)”Sicher besser” (253D)”Sie tun, was sie immer tun” (26C)”Die Ubertragungswege sind klar. Deshalb: Pariser” (117D)”Verkehrsregel Nr.1″ (The hot rubber) (212C)”Wer Uber Nacht Bleibt” (199C)”Zu einem Hot Rubber” (222C) NETHERLANDS”Danny Gebruiktze” (129B)”Exit only” (51B)”Geslachts ziekte” (131B)”Lees eerst de gebruiks” (52B)”Lekker veilig, gebruik een condoom” (83B)”On vacation keep it safer” (139C)”Safer sex video show” (138C)”Safer sex workshop” (136C)”Tarzan Gebruiletze” (130B)”Veilig verder” [cloth bondage] (221C)”Velig verder” [leather man holding crotch] (137C)’Veilig verder” [nude man being held from behind] (140C)”Velig verder” [2 young blond men] (134C)Vrij veilig op vakantie” [palm trees and hetero couple on beach] (127B)”Vrij veilig op vakantie” [hetero couple in snorkel gear] (126B)”Vrij veilig op vakantie” [hetero couple under palm trees] (133B)”Vrij veilig op vakantie” [hetero couple walking in sunset] (132B)”Wanda gebruiktze” (128B)
“Nuestra mejor arma contra el SIDA es la prevencion” (334B)”Prevenir el SIDA es responsabilidad de ambos” (9C)”Quiero conti-go” (353C)”SIDA? Que Va, Yo Uso Condon (43A)
“AIDS: new rules for safe sex””Food for thought” (35C)”You won’t believe what we like to wear in bed” (97C)
“AIDS-Viruset tar ikke Juleferie” (65A)”Glede og omsorg” (331C)”Hvordan AIDS ikke smitter:” (335C)”Sikrere sex” (18E)
“Erotiken ar dod” [color] (122A)”Erotiken ar dod” [b&w] (332A)”Friheten ar dod” (89C)”Karlek ar livet” [hetero couple kissing] (330A, 333A)”Karlek ar livet” [shoes] (350C)”Lusten ar dod” [shoes] (329A)
SWITZERLAND”AIDS gefahr schon beim” (187C)”Barenstark” (196C)”Bliib treu/Stop AIDS” (195C)”Bravo” (102C)”D’accord” (197C)”Der Markenartikel” (206C)”Der Umgang mit Praservativen” (205C)”Faites la guerre au SIDA” (211C)”Fidele a votre partenaire” (214C)”Gegner von AIDS sind Liebhaber von Praservativen” (211C)”Geil aux safer sex” (115C)”Haltung zeigen – safer sex” (198C)”Hot rubber lubricant” (189C)”In mit gummi. Out mit gummi” (107C)”Liebe ohne angst” (194C)”Mit Gebrauchten nie!” (192C)”The nude hot rubber” (193C)”Ohne keine lust” (207C)”OK” (346B)”On parle bien du SIDA” (204C)”Per prendere L’AIDS Basta!” (191C)”Pras er vativ” (202C)”Protegez-vous de SIDA” (201C)”Rendez-vous” (200C)”Rimani fedele stop AIDS” (203C)”Rinuncia all AIDS” (220C)”Risques de SIDA des le premier shoot!” (190C)”Safety pin, symbol for safer sex] [German] (87C)”Senza la voglia va via” (216C)”Stop AIDS” (209C)”Tonight” (21C)”Treue zum partner. Treue zum praservativ” (188C)”Vor AIDS schutzen, praservative benutzen” (208C)
“AIDS” (60C)”Ukimwi” (61C)
American Indian Health Service
“AIDS is not a quick kill” (80C)”Dance to Life”: (181C)”No glove, no love.” (180C)”Pride, Honor Heritage…” (151B)”You can’t get AIDS by…” (24C)
Black and White Men Together
“Hot, horny & healthy” [workshop ad] (186B) (165B)”Hot, horny & healthy…rubbers every time” (172B) (166B)”If you really love him” (164B), (160B)”No glove, no love” (141B)(116B)”You can’t play without the right equipment” (167B)(159B)
Gay Men’s Health Crisis
“A rubber is a friend in your pocket” (237C)”Cojelo con cuidado” (243C)”Do it!” (248A)”It might take a little practice…” (240A)”It’s your life” (79C)”Keep it up” (3C)”The 1988 fall cruising season has officially begun” (224A)”Once is not enough” (355A)”Once, twice, thrice” (73C)”Rubbers are bringing men together again” (4C, 100C)”Safer sex: how to do it” (244C)”Sex, dating & intimacy” (88A, 330A)”Thank goodness for latex” (245C)”This Valentine’s Day make sure the arrow that sets you aquiver comes wrapped” (223A)”What next?” (76B)
Hetrick-Martin Institute
“No one is immune” (239C)
New York (N.Y.). Dept. of Health
“AIDS” don’t get it: before you do it” (236A)”AIDS: don’t get it: think about it first” (229A)”AIDS gets around” (225A)”AIDS, sex and drugs” (66A)”Bang you’re dead” (238C)”Condoms mean caring” (56A)”De hombre a hombre” (53A, 58A)”Disco benefit” (49A)”Don’t die of embarrassment” (251C)”Don’t go out without your rubbers” (235C)”Don’t let AIDS deal you a losing hand” (112A)”El SIDA esta por donde quiera” (226A)”Eso is mi tio” (68F)”He can only strike you out if you let him” (232A)”Hable del AIDS antes que toque a su puerta” (236C)”If your lesbian” (33A)”Man on man defense” (55A)”Man to man” (59A, 344A)”Las Mujeres tambien pueden contraer el SIDA” (228A)”No lo contraigas” (231A)”No se muera de la pena” (234C)”No se puede vivir de esperanzas” (111C)”Talk about AIDS before it hits home” (246C)”That’s Mark’s Beetle” (72F)”The other night Charlie brought home” (103C)”Women can get AIDS too” (237A)”You can’t live on hope” (242C)
New York (State). Dept. of Health
“AIDS Does Not Discriminate”[English] (113A)[Spanish] (39A)
Old Glory Condom Company
“Condoms won’t stop AIDS: We the people will” (337A)”Give me liberty or give me death” (378A)”I want you” (69A, 70A, 339A)”Our sex organs are working fine thank you” (336A, 71A)
United States. Public Health Service
“Getting High Doesn’t Cause AIDS.” (314C)”If you get the AIDS virus now, you and your license” (313C)”Some people think they come of age when …..” (311C)”There’s a simple way to prevent AIDS” (312C)”Why alcohol, crack and other drugs can put you at risk for the AIDS virus” (309C)”Why there’s a connection between sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS” (310C)”With AIDS around, gonorrhea, syphilis & herpes are fair warning” (308C)”You won’t get AIDS in a restaurant” (40C)”You won’t get AIDS from a bug bite” (36C)”You won’t get AIDS from Hide n seek” (315C)”You won’t get AIDS from a public pool” (37C) Alaska”Camp 3-H” (62A)
[Asian language posters](3):AIDS [family] (28B)(179B)[Tagalog] (179)
Long Beach
“SIDA ataca hasta los machos” (8C)
Los Angeles
“Don’t forget your rubbers” (92A)”Invest in your security” (183C)”Safe sex: are you man enough?” (105A)”The safest place to meet the man of your dreams is a Stop AIDS meeting” (178C)”Treat your trick with care”(57A)”Use it! It’s a matter of life and sex” (175A) San Francisco
“AIDS prevention is a family affair” (176A)”The AIDS reality” (170C)”Bleachman” (177A)”Don’t fuck with a user, unless he’s hooked on condoms” (10D)”Don’t share” (13A)”Dress for the occasion” (32C)”Drogas y SIDA: no juegues loteria con tu vida” (184?)”How many Marinites does it take to spread an epidemic?” (174A)”An important message for gay & bisexual men” (173C)”I have AIDS, please hug me” (1A)”No cojas un adicto” (169D)”Some people think that you can catch AIDS from a glass” (171A)”Why did my daddy die from AIDS?” (185C)”Wrap your man in pleasure” (182C)
“Excite” (342A)”Imagine” (345C)”Sexcess” (341C)”Touch” (343A)”Watch” (346C)
“AIDS is a fact”[mother and daughter] (327B)[3 women] (307B)”AIDS doesn’t discriminate” (306C)”Are you dying to get high?” (42C)”Cuidas de los hijos.” (326B)”Estas muriendo por arrebatarte?” (305C)”I care about myself” (318B)”I love her, I use condoms” (320B, 317B)”I’m serious about love”[black man] (319B, 328B)[white man] (325B)”Love as if your life depended upon it”[black woman] (322B)[hispanic woman] (324B)[white woman] (316B)”Tomo en serio el amor” (321B)”You care about your kids” (323B)
“Invest in life insurance” (20A)”Love is the only thing your partner should give you” (5A)”Roll on protection” (19A)”These days you could get your name in the paper just by having sex” (250A)
Louisiana–New Orleans
“Whatever you do, mask for mardi gras” (11D)
“AIDS can blow your high” (144A)”AIDS in the black community” (158A)”Prevent life and death all in one shot” (143A)”Smart sportswear for the active man” (110A)Use me…avoid AIDS…condoms help” (118A)”We didn’t think we could get AIDS” (85A)”You won’t believe what we like to wear in bed”[black men] (92A)[white men](90A)
“AIDS, aprenda, viva” (303B)”AIDS causes blindness” (299C)”Any question is important” (301B)”Don’t forget the chapter on AIDS” (38B)”Get the answers, ask about AIDS’ (304B)”Help us read to someone who can’t (300A)”Hot horny & healthy” [John Whyte] (296B)”Hot, horny & healthy” [three men] (297B)”Road work” (77B)”Safe company” (75B)”Toda preguenta es importante” (295B)
“Abstinence isn’t the only defense against AIDS” (156A)”AIDS has no sexual preference” (143A)”AIDS is not spread by” (148B)”AIDS… no one is immune” (345B)”AIDS…sharing intravenous needles” (146A)”Be safe… stay sober” (150D)”Captain condom” (158A)”Condoms can protect any person no matter what color they are” (47D)”He loves me… he loves me not” (23B)”Hey you know what. you can’t get AIDS from…” (161C)”How much do you know about AIDS?” (155A)”How to get AIDS” (154A)”It Can’t Prevent AIDS in Your Wallet” (157A)”It’s cool to care” (145C)”Take an AIDS Test” (142B)”The facts of life include facts about AIDS” (152A)”The best defense against AIDS since the condom” (149C)”This is how AIDS is spread” (46C)”We all are one in the fight against AIDS” (163C)”You can’t get AIDS from this poster” (50C)”You can’t get AIDS unless you’re a homo…sapien” (23D)
New York (State)–Brooklyn
“AIDS does not discriminate” (249C)”Cualquier puede” (233C)”Don’t get on the AIDS train” (241C)”Hey man, no sharing” (247C)
Pennsylvania–Philadelphia”Anyone can get AIDS” (48C)”Look at who can get AIDS” (27C)”Lucky Stiffs ‘Grren’ Goes to War”[Black man and woman] (17A)[White man and woman] (16A)”Protect your loved ones” (39C)”This is How you get AIDS” (298C, 302C)
Rhode Island
“Respect yourself, protect yourself” (252A)
“Putting it on can be the best part of taking it off” (109C, 86C)
Washington (D.C.)
“Are you man enough to protect your lover?” (34C)”Ciudate, por ti y por los tuyos” (147C)”If He doesn’t care enough to wear a condom he doesn’t care” (104C)”No ifs, ands or butts” (168C)”AIDS is a white man’s disease” (30C)”Bleach man” (15A)”Deadler than the virus” (21A)”Every time I look” (7B)”Love AIDS people” (119A)”Only one thing should come between you and your lover” (45C)”Protect the people you love, use a condom””Si quieres a tu familia” (162C)That’s me and my uncle” (6B) UnknownAIDS : new rules (41C)”;}}

Michael Shernoff was on the staff of Gay Men’s Health Crises in New York as a health educator and AIDS prevention specialist. He traveled to a great many AIDS conferences worldwide.