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(Re) Present (in person only)

January 31 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

No, Dear Magazine’s (Re)Present Reading Series seeks to pay homage to the New York City poets whose voices are now absent from our lives, especially those voices whose indelible imprint has sustained a revolutionary poetics by connecting us to a history prior to, and in opposition to, mass gentrification and corporate takeover. By collaborating with local poets, our intention is to represent and re-present those poets who are gone and honor how their voices continue to live on within the revolutionary spirit of New York City poetry.

Featuring readings by Kyle Carrero Lopez, Joey De Jesus, Marti Irving, Omotara James, and Kat Rejsek.

This event will take place in person at the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division, on the second floor (room 210) of The LGBT Community Center, 208 W. 13th St., NYC, 10011.

Registration is not required. Seating is first come, first served.

The Bureau will solicit donations at the beginning of the event—we especially encourage donations from those who do not plan to purchase any books. All are welcome to attend, with or without a donation. We will pass a bag for donations at the start of the event, but we can also take credit card donations at the event or on Venmo @BGSQD


Kyle Carrero Lopez is the author of the chapbook Muscle Memory, published by PANK Books in 2022. His recent poems appear in The Yale Review, office magazine, and Split this Rock, and his debut full-length collection PARTY LINE is forthcoming from Graywolf Press in 2026. @kylecarrerolopez


Joey De Jesus is the author of HOAX Limited Artist Edition (Operating System, 2022), and chapbooks: We Animate the Dream: A Poet’s Run for Public Office (Mount Analog Political Pamphlet Series II, 2021) and NOCT- The Threshold of Madness (The Atlas Review, 2019). Joey received the 2019-20 BRIC ArtFP Project Room Commission for HOAX and 2017 NYFA/NYSCA Fellowship in Poetry. Poems have appeared in Poem-A-Day, Barrow Street, Bettering American Poetry, The Brooklyn Rail, The Texas Review, and elsewhere. Joey is senior co-editor at Apogee Journal and lives in Ridgewood where they ran for New York State Assembly District 38. @DeJesusSaves


Marti Irving is a poet and tinkerer living in Brooklyn with three black cats and one grey one. Their poems have appeared in American Chordata, Bodega Mag, Pigeon Pages, and the Yale Review.


Omotara James is the author of the debut poetry collection, Song of My Softening, (Alice James Books, 2024), featured on NPR’s Morning Edition and The Washington Post Book Club. Her work has received support from the Poetry Foundation, the New York Foundation of the Arts, the 92Y Unterberg Poetry Center, Cave Canem Foundation, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Lambda Literary and the Academy of American Poets. She writes, teaches andedits poetry in New York City. @omotarajames


Kat Rejsek is a poet and filmmaker. They have an MFA and are the co-author of a chapbook called Aside from my everyday desires and also my more exceptional ones. Their work has also been featured in other small presses and publications. Kat works as an editor and lives in Brooklyn. @letsgetadog


Registration Required:
Youth Only:
Arts and Culture
January 31
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Custom Sources
Bureau of General Services Queer Division (BGSQD)
Event Language
Event Topic
Arts and Culture
Registration Required
Youth Only