The Publishing Triangle presents its monthly OUTspoken Reading Series as host Rob Byrnes welcomes Tom Cardamone, Kathleen Warnock, Jerry Wheeler, Dale Corvino, Frederick Smith, Daniel Meltz, and Bruce Whitacre.
Join us in-person or watch the live-stream to hear from some of queer literature’s most dynamic established and up-and-coming voices.
This event will take place in person at the Bureau of General Services—Queer Division, on the second floor (room 210) of The LGBT Community Center, 208 W. 13th St., NYC, 10011.
Registration is not required. Seating is first come, first served.
Also live-streaming on the Bureau’s YouTube channel:
The Bureau will solicit donations at the beginning of the event—we especially encourage donations from those who do not plan to purchase any books.
All are welcome to attend, with or without a donation.
We will pass a bag for donations at the start of the event, but we can also take credit card donations at the register or on Venmo @BGSQD