
1. Statements[from various organizations re: AIDS]
2. [Safer Sex Committee]
3. [Publication on suicide trends]
4. [Class notes]
5. [NYC AIDS Ad Hoc Committee Activites]
6. [ Safer Sex Committee]
7. [Safer Sex Practice Meeting notes]
8. [Safer Sex Committee Poster/Pamphlet Printing Contract]
9. [Poppers and AIDS annotated bibliography]
10. PEACE [NYC Gay leaders retreat]
11. [Lesbian and Gay Health Issue Forum notes]
12. [Memo on ethical aspects of AIDS research]
13. Minutes – AIDS Network
14. [Ne York AIDS Network]
15. [S&M Informational notes]
16. The Disease [Notes on AIDS by Alan Long]
17. [Educational resources]
18. Media Committee [Meeting notes and publication]
19. FARO [Federation of AIDS Related Organizations]
20. SAC [Scientific Advisory Committee notes on AIDS research]
21. Blood/Confid. Extra Copies [The Greater New York Blood Program Notes on AIDS]
