
1. Fire Island News columns written by George Sardi
2. Flyers, invitations, announcements, photographs regarding George Sardi
3. The play “ The Ritz“
4. Announcements, Newsletter, Bartender’s Guide, names & phone numbers of bar activities


5. Craig Russell
6. Gay Morning America: photographs, flyers, awards from CSFC and CSLDC
7. Stonewall Awards Foundation
8. Scrapbooks handmade for George Sardi, 1/2”
9. Gay Switchboard information
10. Unknown photographs
11. Book of poetry, Author unknown
12. George Sardi’s Service to the bars
13. Female Impersonation by Avery Willard
14. Forever After & A Perfect Relationship and The West Street Gang by Doric Wilson
15. Unknown newspaper articles and segment listings for twelve Gay Morning America shows
